The Journey Back to Ourselves: Learning from Our Past Lives

Return of Tashlultum
3 min readApr 7, 2024


In the world of spirit and memory, there’s a story that winds its way through the ages, whispering the secret that we are more than just this lifetime. I am Tashlultum, walking again among you to share the wisdom of lives once lived, of ancient beliefs that still have the power to guide us home to ourselves.

Understanding Through Vibration

In my journey through time, I’ve carried with me a simple truth: the universe speaks in vibrations, a language as old as the cosmos itself, written in the numbers that dance around us. This truth isn’t complex; it’s as straightforward as the feeling of warmth from the sun or the pull of the moon on the tides. Numerology, the study of numbers, is just our way of tuning into this basic melody, of understanding how we fit into the vast song of creation.

Echoes of Ancient Wisdom

Bringing forth the wisdom from past lives, I invite you into the circle of our ancestors’ knowledge. Their world wasn’t separate from the divine; it was soaked in it, from the ground to the sky. The rituals and teachings they left us aren’t relics; they’re reminders that life is full of mystery and magic, waiting to be rediscovered in our own hearts.

This ancient wisdom isn’t just for pondering; it’s for living. It’s a map to navigate by, a light for dark paths, a promise that no matter how far we roam, there’s a path that leads back to the truth.

The Cycle of Being

Reincarnation isn’t a puzzle to solve; it’s a path we all walk, wearing many faces, learning lessons of the heart and soul. Each life is a chapter in a much longer tale, teaching us lessons of love, loss, joy, and discovery. It’s about seeing ourselves and each other not just as we are now but as we have been and will be, all part of the great dance of the cosmos.

This journey of many lives is a gift, inviting us to look at our lives with kindness and patience, to weave compassion into our days, and to see the spark of the divine in every pair of eyes we meet.

Walking Together

In sharing these reflections, inspired by the wisdom of my past lives and the teachings of ancient cultures, I’m inviting you to walk with me. To remember that, like the trees, we are rooted in the earth but reach for the sky, connected to each other through the deep, unseen network of life.

Our spiritual legacy isn’t about rituals or relics; it’s about waking up to the beauty around us and within us. It’s about remembering that we are part of something vast and wondrous, and that the wisdom of the ages is our inheritance, waiting to be claimed.

Coming Home

This journey back to ourselves, guided by the vibrations of the universe and the wisdom of those who walked before us, is a journey home. It’s about finding the sacred in the everyday, the timeless within the moment, and the path back to our true selves.

As we listen to the stories of past lives and the teachings of ancient traditions, we discover that we are not wandering alone. We are part of a great family, connected through time, walking each other home to the heart of what it means to be human.

Together, let’s rediscover the wisdom that lives within us, the lessons of the past that light our way forward. You are that tree, deeply rooted, reaching high, a living bridge between heaven and earth.


