Are You Ready?

Ed Tate
3 min readApr 11, 2023


Don’t get ready. Stay ready!

-Craig Valentine

white shirt opening to undershirt reading “are you ready?”

On Friday at 11:11 PM, I receive a desperate text from a client.

“Our keynote speaker is stranded in Atlanta. Can you take his place at 8:30 tomorrow morning at the MGM Grand in Las Vegas?”

I thought…

Oh, S**t!

I’m a planning, preparation, and practice guy! I like to plan, prepare and practice my presentations.

Then I remembered my friend Craig’s saying:
“Don’t Get Ready! Stay Ready!”

Craig is a former NCAA Division One point guard (This is basketball lingo for the jargon unacquainted). This was his athlete’s mindset–I would put it into play.

I said, Yes.

Backstory-Before the “Yes”.

I knew that my client would be in Las Vegas for their conference. I texted the CEO earlier in the year:

“Since I live in Las Vegas, could I attend your March event? I’ll observe the presenters, take notes and provide complimentary feedback.”

CEO Text: “I WOULD ABSOLUTELY LOVE THAT!” [as the message appeared on my phone].

I had intended to stay for only a few hours.

I stayed the entire day. I’m glad I did.

I mixed and mingled with their staff, clients, and vendors. And I gained a deeper understanding of their business.

There had been discussions about how to pitch their businesses–my superpower!

When I went home that afternoon, I had no intention of returning the following day. I had plans with my family.

And then I got the CEO’s text.

The first thing I did was discuss it with my wife. “Honey, we have family plans. I don’t have to speak tomorrow. I can help them by finding another speaker.”

She said, “Yes. Do the speech. Will you have time to prepare?”

“It will be effortless to prepare.”

I knew that how to promote their business was top-of-mind.

My company helps organizations and individuals win high-stakes presentations.

My keynote, “Pitch to Win! How to Sell Your Products, Services, and Yourself in Minutes!” would be the perfect fit.

The CEO’s subsequent text: “You’re Killin it! The audience loves you and your content! You Freaking rock!!!!”

Don’t Get Ready–Stay Ready!

Why it Matters:

  • Give Before You Get: I always provide my clients with free value. I’ve never regretted it.
  • Go with your superpower: I did not ask the CEO what they wanted or the previous speaker’s topic. I gave them what they needed.
  • Leave Money on the Table: This is terrible gambling advice when you come to Las Vegas. However, it’s sound business advice. Don’t be greedy.
  • Play the long game: My customers hire me repeatedly. Our clients’ business relationships average 8 ½ years.
  • Favoritism: I always seek to be my clients’ favorite.

Don’t Get Ready–Stay Ready!

PS: They just asked me to be the keynote speaker at a resort in an international location.

My wife’s bags are packed! She stays ready.



Ed Tate

We help you win business through speaking and presenting!