Ramakant Tiwari
3 min readMay 25, 2024


Swirling river waters surging towards plains from majestic heights of Himalayan cordillera are endowed with an inexhaustible fountainhead that preserves its depth throughout before it merges into the ocean. Between the fountainhead and ocean, waters flow in numerous manifests of rivers, rivulets, glaciers, streams etc. However their origin continues to remain the same fountainhead as well as the ultimate redemption into ocean too. Long journey of waters from their fountainhead to ocean is vulnerable to multiple vagaries of external factors, mostly geopgraphic and climatic. Howsoever influential, even these fail to change origins and ultimate redemption of flowing waters. Mass of waters that happens to be retained in lakes, ponds and reservoirs too have to join the pre-ordained destiny after gradual evaporation in a diminishing manner. The cycle is eternal and mystical too.

Various forms of religious sects, cults and faiths are in fact multiple streams with their beginnings and ends converging into merely one entity and that is Sanatana Dharma. Myriad dynamism of Sanatana Dharma strays into those multiple temporary strands of various faiths, cults and sects owing to ever varying social, cultural, political and economic verticals passing through societies and nations. All these variables of faiths, sects and cults survive ranging from a few decades to a few centuries, then gradually fade away into horizons of history. But Sanatana Dharma alone stands out tallest, unruffled and unscathed eternally and silently allowing the cosmic phenomenon to continue as ever. In spite of being invaded by many several times in past and rigorous efforts to obliterate it from the face of this planet, every time Sanatana Dharma emerged stronger, thriving as never before.

Sanatana Dharma is entire cosmos, entire universalism not only eternal but also immutable and inexhaustible. It’s a cosmic reality and mother of entire knowledge that humanity ever possessed, possesses currently, shall possess in times yet to arrive. Sanatana Dharma is the lone guiding principle of entire past, present and future impossible to be superseded by any other entity ever. These are realities that sound harsh to some, unacceptable to others while endeared by several others. Albeit it remains unperturbed as ever, thriving and resonating throughout the planet.

Bharatavarsha is not merely a piece of land. It’s a wise, profoundly enlightened and a living personality practising tenets of Sanatana Dharma in the state of being an ancient nation. As centuries pass by, ancient-ness of this nation grows more and more, also her inevitability in the comity of countries and incomprehensibility to those not born and brought up in this nation. If Sanatana Dharma or Bharatavarsha appear to be a mystical riddle to some, it is only because they have not been able to absorb her ancient historicity and pristine glory by not being born and brought up within hallowed precincts of the Dharma and the nation.

Master-custodian of Sanatana Dharma and Bharatavarsha happens to be Shriman Narayana, also known as Bhagavan Vishnu who periodically incarnates in this nation to consolidate its roots for resurgence and renaissance, slay felonious Asura-s and protect those engaged in carrying the Dharma-flag as high as they can. Those perspiring to destroy Sanatana Dharma or followers thereof whether Hindu-s or otherwise being decimated themselves, too is a unpalatable cosmic reality difficult for many to accept. There are many who accept these realities only after paying enormous costs for themselves. That too, happens to be integrated into those cosmic cycles. Sanatana Dharma is Ishvaras own Dharma inevitable and undeniable. Blessed are those who happen to seize opportunities to protect and propagate Sanatana Dharma. Sooner these realities are accepted and practised religiously, better for them as well as their faiths, sects and cults.

