Ramakant Tiwari
5 min readOct 10, 2022

British-occupiers never exceeded 0.05% of entire population matching Parsi community today in numbers, all the more stunning that even Russian dictator Joseph Stalin used to ridicule, ‘handful of intruders dominating India’. These figures illustrate the point so eloquently -

In 1805, British-occupied Bharata had just 31,000 British-Intruders out of which 21,000 in Army while 2,000 in civil governance.

By 1890, 6,000 British-Intruders were lording over 25 crore Bharatiya-s with 70,000 in their Army albeit very large number of Bharatiya soldiers in British uniforms.

In 1911, out of 1,64,000 British-Intruders in Bharata, 66,000 were in Army and Police while 4,000 in civil governance.

In 1931 this number was 1,68,000 with just 4,000 in civil rule over 30 crore Bharatiya-s.

Is it possible to believe today, a 0.05% population lording over 30 crore natives in a far away country by the dint of their arrogance, snobbery, scotch, cigars, fork-spoon modernism and silly protocols ? What had happened to our ancestors ? Why did they turn so dumb, awestruck with colourless albeit spotted British complexions, suit-boots, neck-ties, funny manners, superiority complex, haughty temperament…why did we crash on their feet like a house of cards forgetting thousands of years old richest inheritance in the world ? When Reginald O’Dyer ordered to shoot unarmed innocent rural folks in Jallianwala Bagh at Amritsar, one of those soldiers could have very well shot him dead instantly to save hundreds of lives. They didn’t but shot dead hundreds on orders of a foreign intruder giving them orders to slaughter their own people. What sort of mindset was that ? It continues even now as Congress worship an Italian woman as their President and crores across the nation vote for the Party. Even Sikhs vote for the same Party to power in Panjab repeatedly insulting thousands of Sikhs who were butchered culminating into Operation Bluestar-1984 what to speak of Partition-1947 riots that killed some 30 lakh people on both sides of the border.

British intruders always bragged so brazenly, they established rule of law in ‘India’ !! The ‘rule of law’ established by them so to say, had to be forcibly imposed upon a highly refined and well-defined legal system in an ancient civilization. And the fact that they had to enact it coercively resorting to inhuman brutalities, speaks volumes on their brag and bluster. McCaulay was assigned the ‘holy’ task of ‘legislating for a conquered race to whom blessings of our Constitution cannot as yet be safely extended’ which he zealously accomplished hidden behind insurmountable high walls. He authored a British-centric criminal law, enforced in 1861, still in force in the country with all its biases in favour of rulers, against the ruled. Whenever British-Intruders fell for anything and aspired to possess it, they first enacted a rule or law to facilitate and legalise its acquisition. So observed George Bernard Shaw during British occupation of the country, “When an Englishman wants something, he never publicly admits to his wanting it. Instead his want is expressed as a burning conviction that it is his moral and religious duty to conquer those who possess the thing he wants.” History is replete with instances to confirm and re-confirm the benumbing British methodology. Colonial occupation was smartly presented as ‘rule of law’ notwithstanding brown natives were never ever consulted before enacting those dubious laws. Constantly under a system of official surveillance wherein mails were intercepted and sleuths hired to chase anyone they so targeted. Many British hotels and clubs displayed ‘Indians and dogs not allowed’, justified in the name of ‘elitism’ or ‘exclusivity’. Hindu women, entirely autonomous over property, social rights and their bodies were subjected to ‘Victorian’ paternalism of men as husbands and sons. Breast Cloth Agitation (1813–1859) in Kerala is an interesting case in point. Rape laws enacted by British occupiers resembled ‘Sharia’ laws to a great extent allowing majority of cases going unreported or unpunished if at all reported.

Judiciary was entirely racist in British occupied Bharata. Killing a Hindu domestic servant by a British-master attracted a mere six months imprisonment while a brown Hindu was sentenced to twenty years of rigorous imprisonment for an unsuccessful attempt to rape a British woman. Malaria used to be quite prevalent in British occupied Bharata that often caused spleen enlargement. Enlarged spleen could easily rupture even on a mild boot-kick causing death within a few minutes if not instantly. British boot-kicks in stomach were not known to be generally mild and British-masters kicking in stomach of domestic servants even on slightest provocation of minor faux pas, was more than common and resultant deaths too frequent. In 1875, when one Robert Augustus Fuller kicked his domestic help in his stomach on a minor shortcoming, he was declared guilty of ‘causing hurt’ and sentenced to a simple imprisonment of fifteen days or alternately compensate widow of the deceased with a pecuniary punishment of Rs. Thirty only !! ‘The Stout British Boot’ used to hit spleens of servants engaged to vigorously fan sleeping British-Intruder anytime in the middle of night if paused for even a water break. Even an ode was composed and circulated around to thumbs up ‘The Stout British Boots’ –

‘Let us sing, let us shout for the leather-shod foot,

And inscribe on our Banners, “The Stout British Boot.”’

Britain ‘gratefully’ acknowledged significant decline in murder convictions in that country as most of violent British citizens were ‘exported’ to Bharata who busied themselves in rupturing Hindu-spleens. It was British model of colonial-miracles that converted ‘wilful murder’ in Britain into ‘causing hurt’ in the ‘primitive’ land of Bharata where people ‘multiplied like rabbits’, in words of their Prime Minister Winston Churchill. There was a bizarre case of ‘Natives against Europeans’, so ruled in Bangaluru when brown natives snatched arms of two British murderers who had ‘sportingly’ killed a brown boy and sentenced to imprisonment for six months. British assaults on brown natives far exceeded in numbers than retaliatory ‘brown’ responses. In yet another bizarre case, when the crime of murder was proved beyond an iota of doubt against a British-intruder, British Judge had no other option except to declare the White-killer ‘insane’ before exonerating him without even a semblance of punishment. Incidents such as British troops beating a brown-Hindu to death for refusing to arrange women for them, amounted to mere occasional events even if a regular feature. In 200 years of British occupation with thousands of Brown-Hindus being killed by those British-occupiers, there were only three cases wherein six British-occupiers were hanged to death for slaughtering brown natives.

In 1765, one Mughal Darbari Narayan Singh asked his colleague about British-brutes of East India Company, “…when we have to take orders from a handful of traders who have not yet learned how to wash their bottoms after relieving themselves, what honour are we left with ?” Tissue-papers did not exist then !! American Anthropologist Nicholas Dirks let it be known to us, “…India was anthropologized in the colonial interest, a narrative about its social formation, its political capacity, and its civilizational inheritance began increasingly to tell the story of colonial inevitability and of the permanence of British imperial rule.” British-Intruders succeeded in occupying the nation due to treachery of few and passivity of the large majority which prompted Viceroy ‘Lord’ Mayo to comment, “We are all British gentlemen engaged in the magnificent work of governing an inferior race.” Those White Mleccha-s who learned from Hindu-s of Bharata how to clean their bottoms after attending natures call, plundered the country, brutalised us before calling us a ‘despicable, inferior race’.

