How to Cure Plantar Fasciitis in One Week [EASY]

Taylor L. Johnson
9 min readJul 31, 2020


Plantar fasciitis is a very painful experience for all. If you’re suffering from plantar fasciitis and wondering how to cure it in one week then you’ve come to the right place. By the end of this article, you will definitely discover the secret of curing plantar fasciitis in one week.

To answer the question how to cure plantar fasciitis in one week, we have found a list of products which cure plantar fasciitis very effectively. You can find the list here. Every one of them is tested by a team of scientists. For the best results, combine using more products.

What is Plantar Fasciitis

Plantar fasciitis is basically the inflammation of a thick fibrous tissue band (fascia) situated around the bottom of your foot. This tissue band stretches from your heel to your toes. Once they are overstretched, they swell up and cause pain.

Previously, the doctors believed that this pain was caused by heel spurs (bony growths around the heel). However, later it was revealed that heel spurs are a result of the pain caused by plantar fasciitis.

What is Plantar Fasciitis

What Causes Plantar Fasciitis

Plantar fasciitis is more common in women, but that doesn’t mean that men do not suffer from it. Plantar fasciitis is most common among people aged 40 to 70. Well, to be more specific, using worn-out shoes with thin soles and often the use of high-heeled shoes are the leading causes of plantar fasciitis.

Moreover, people standing on their feet for long hours a day are more prone to suffering from it. Repetitive stretching and a lot of stress on your heel can lead to plantar fasciitis. Hence, activities such as long-distance running, ballistic jumping activities, aerobics, etc. can also cause plantar fasciitis.

How Does Plantar Fasciitis Look Like

The plantar fascia (thick tissue band) is basically a web-like ligament that connects your heel to your toes. The best way to identify plantar fasciitis is to observe whether or not you experience a stabbing pain in your heel after waking up in the morning.

As the heel stiffens during plantar fasciitis, it gets very difficult to walk up and down the stairs. You might also notice that the pain gets worse after the exercise, not during exercise. This stabbing pain in your heel can also be triggered by standing on your feet for long hours.

People often wonder whether plantar fasciitis can cause knee and leg pain. Well, if it goes untreated, it might lead to knee and hip problems as it affects the way you walk. So, how long does it take to treat it? Can you treat it in one week? If yes, then how to cure plantar fasciitis in one week?

How Does Plantar Fasciitis Look Like?

Plantar Fasciitis Treatment

Plantar fasciitis can be treated in several ways. Here, we’ll discuss the pros and cons of different treatments prescribed for plantar fasciitis.

We are all in search of some magic potion that can cure plantar fasciitis in one week. But don’t you worry, by the end of this article you will discover the secret of ‘how to cure plantar fasciitis in one week’.

Plantar Fasciitis Home Remedies

Home remedies have always been the safest and everyone’s go-to options. The very first step is to ensure that you give your feet maximum rest. Secondly, rubbing an ice cube on your heel for 15 to 20 minutes, four to five times a day aids in reducing the swelling.

Obese people are more prone to plantar fasciitis, hence, nutrition can play a minimalistic role in triggering and managing plantar fasciitis. Intaking a gluten-free diet can contribute to reducing inflammatory conditions, but no such link has been proven in the medical literature. Some other preventive measures you can take include avoiding high heels and using shoes with a low to moderate heel.

Moreover, it is very important to avoid walking barefoot on hard and rough surfaces. If you’re an athlete or a sportsperson, shift to a low-impact sport so there is minimum pressure on your heel.

Plantar Fasciitis Exercises

Physical therapy is an important aspect of the treatments prescribed for plantar fasciitis. There are several plantar fascia exercises that you can try to stretch your tissue band and tendons, but it is best to take guidance from a physical therapist.

Plantar fasciitis treatment exercises include toe curls with a towel, toe extension, standing calf stretch, towel stretch, and calf stretch on a step. A plantar fasciitis massage can also help in easing foot pain and stress.

The best way is to massage your foot from the heel to the toes using medium to firm pressure. Doing this process on each side for about two minutes, three to four times a day paces up the healing process.

Plantar Fasciitis Stretches


Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs that are easily available over-the-counter can help in reducing the pain and inflammation caused by plantar fasciitis.

Common over-the-counter pills such as Advil or Motrin and Aleve are the best for reducing pain and inflammation. Your doctor might advise you to take several doses a day for the first few weeks.

Braces and Supports

Braces are another type of treatment that can aid in stretching the calf and arch of your foot. Night splinters are a type of braces easily available locally. Night splinters can help in lengthening your plantar fascia(the thick band of tissue) and Achilles tendon overnight.

Night splinters are the best option for preventing morning pain and stiffness of the heel. In some cases, the doctor might suggest you to use arch supports for your shoes. This is to reduce heel pain by distributing pressure. It can also help prevent further damage to your plantar fascia.

Another good option is a boot cast, which can reduce stress on your feet while the plantar fascia heals. They can also help immobilize your feet and can be easily removed.

Steroid Injections

You’re wondering how to cure plantar fasciitis in one week, right? Well, steroid injections are here to rescue. If you have severe plantar fasciitis, it is very possible that nonsteroidal medication wouldn’t relieve your pain.

Cortisone is a powerful anti-inflammatory drug that can be injected throughout the body or in specific areas to treat inflammation. Cortisone is injected into the plantar fascia (the band of tissue) to eliminate inflammation and pain. Although it is the fastest way to get rid of plantar fasciitis, it also has some severe side effects.

Repetitive use of cortisone injections can cause a rupture in the plantar fascia or shrink the fat pad covering the heel bone.

Shock Wave Therapy

If your pain still continues to aggravate, the doctor might suggest extracorporeal shock wave therapy. This procedure involves bombarding the shock waves on your heel to galvanize the healing process.

This process is only used for treating severe plantar fasciitis and also has some adverse side effects. The side effects can go on from mild numbness and pain to swelling and bruises. According to some studies, this therapy has shown some progress, but there is no evidence of its consistent effectiveness.

Plantar Fasciitis Shock Wave Therapy

Plantar Fasciitis Surgery

If the plantar fasciitis worsens and the pain is unbearable, surgery might be the right choice for you. There are two surgical options for treating plantar fasciitis, each with its own side effects.

Gastrocnemius Recession

Gastrocnemius muscles exert more pressure on the plantar fascia, making it even more difficult to walk and flex the foot. In this surgical procedure, gastrocnemius (the larger of the two calf muscles) is partially cut for the purpose of releasing and lengthening the calf. Other than the general risks of infection and bleeding, gastrocnemius surgery might weaken the calf muscles or cause nerve injury that can cause pain and affect the sensation of the heel.

Plantar Fascia Release

This surgery is also known as a plantar fasciotomy. In this surgery, small cuts are made in the fraction of the fibers of the plantar fascia ligament to relieve tension and stress in the tissue. It can be performed in both ways i.e. open surgery or endoscopic surgery.

In some severe cases, heel spurs have also developed along with plantar fasciitis. In such cases, heel spurs are also removed during the surgery. Post-surgery care is essential to make the surgery successful, however, full recovery and return to high impact activities may take around three months.

Side effects of the surgery include infections, nerve damage and excessive removal of the plantar fascia, increasing the likelihood of further foot injuries. Whereas, in some cases, the surgery might not be successful and the symptoms persist to exist.

Plantar Fasciitis Chiropractic

Chiropractic is a system of alternative medicine or drugs used for the diagnosis and treatment of musculoskeletal disorders. It is a licensed practice in the US and many doctors are now showing a keen interest in the specialization of chiropractic.

Healing plantar fasciitis is a slow and difficult process but with good chiropractic and proper shoes, it can be healed in a matter of time. Chiropractic treatments that can help with plantar fasciitis include manipulation, stretching, ultrasound, and soft tissue work. Chiropractic adjustments of the feet and ankles can help take the stress off the heel. As promised, the secret of ‘how to cure plantar fasciitis in one week?’ is out now!

Keeping in mind all the pros and cons, chiropractic treatment is one of the best and safest methods to cure plantar fasciitis in a week. It is a slow and steady process and might take longer than a week in some cases but the results are worth waiting for.

Plantar Fasciitis Chiropractic

Signs Plantar Fasciitis Is Healing

Healing is a slow and steady process, especially in the case of plantar fasciitis. However, whether you’re self-treating it or consulting a doctor, if you take the appropriate measures and take good care of your feet, healing wouldn’t be a trouble for you.

In the early stages of healing, you’ll start observing a gradual decrease in the morning stiffness on your feet. And with time the stabbing pain that you feel in your heel every morning will disappear. As the healing process continues, you wouldn’t face any difficulty in exercising and stretching your feet.

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Frequently Asked Questions

How to cure plantar fasciitis in one week?

When it comes to curing plantar fasciitis, there are several methods that you can go for. We have mentioned some effective ways to deal with the pain in this article. You can try out any of those methods, or you can also go for some products to reduce the pain.

Can plantar fasciitis go away on its own?

This problem usually resolves by itself, and there is no need for any treatment. However, if the problem doesn’t resolve or the pain becomes intolerable, you should consider consulting an expert. You can also use some pain relief products if things get uncomfortable.

Does exercise make plantar fasciitis worse?

Well, if you don’t take things to an extreme level, doing exercise won’t be an issue. You should avoid putting too much pressure on your feet as it can make things worse.


We hope you found this article helpful and understood how to cure plantar fasciitis in one week. All the methods and treatments that we have discussed in this article can do wonders for you if you follow the right steps. The exercises for plantar fasciitis that we discussed can also help you, but you will need to do them regularly.

You can also go for medications, but make sure to consult an expert before taking any steps. If you don’t have time to consult an expert, you can go for any of the products that we have mentioned on the list above. All the products that we have picked can help you deal with the issue, and you will feel more relaxed as well.

All the products that we have mentioned in this article are reasonably priced and when it comes to utility, they have a lot to offer. So, you won’t face any issues while buying them as far as the budget is concerned. These products will offer much-needed pain relief to your feet, and you will definitely feel better after using them.



Taylor L. Johnson

It’s important to see a doctor if you experience numbness in your feet or heels. Learn how to cure plantar fasciitis in one week in my article published here.