Live blog: Al Nassr vs Inter Miami, friendly

5 min readFeb 1, 2024


(Very not edited. You have been warned.)

So Al Nassr playing like a team that is halfway through their actual season and Inter Miami like a team that’s in preseason, not surprisingly. But some of the players on Miami are really quite bad at passing. It makes their attempts at playing out from the back very scary (if I weren’t too tired to be scared). The second goal came from a terrible pass, supposedly for Busquets, but really to nobody.

Laporte’s shot from PAST the center circle was reminiscent of that random shot Kosovo scored vs. Spain, except more ridiculous. Ngl I laughed. And I also laughed at the second goal because I legitimately thought they were replaying the first. Shades of Brazil’s 1–7 loss to Germany.

Some thoughts: Busquets is a genius. He’s so good at pressing, and passing, and being a little shit.XD Since Messi can’t play, all the nice passes have been from Busquets. Also both in this game and the previous one, he tried to score and failed, the poor guy.

Al Nassr’s goalkeeper just had to get subbed off. Wow, that will suck for their season, especially since this is a friendly. But who knows, maybe this friendly is more important than their actual league.

Suarez just tussled with Laporte who decided he got hit the face.

NICE shot from Campana. Suarez clapped so it had to be good. The resultant corner went nowhere though. And now Suarez is down doing a Suarez hahaha (man I’d almost forgotten how dramatic he is).

Nice job, Jordi Alba! (Some good passes…but stuff was happening so fast I kinda forgot what I was saying this for.)

Ok whoever that curly-haired kid is, this is the second time he’s royally fucked up a shot and it’s extremely annoying.

HOLY SHIT the game just went out of control at around 39 min in. An Inter Miami player stole the ball back and then got scissor-kicked by an Al Nassr player. This caused Busquets to absolutely freak out and he ran up to block some other guy and also grab the scissor-kicking fellow, and it turned into a brawl. I think Inter Miami were trying to argue for a red, but the end result was a yellow. And then Busquets also got a yellow, either for arguing or because when he went to grab the guy, he kinda smacked the latter’s face.

Also the camera flashed to CR7 immediately after the two yellows and I swear to god he had the smuggest, most insufferable look on his face. I hate that man.

This game has been “feisty,” in game-commentator speak, and it feels like someone is hitting the deck every 2 seconds. Unsurprisingly we have 8 minutes of extra time.

No one can aim on Inter Miami. T_T Surely they should’ve gotten 1 goal by now.

Busquets tried a back-heel to escape a tough situation in his own half, thinking someone was there to help and no one was.T_T Really this team’s problem is that they don’t know each other very well short of the Barça U-40s, and one of them is on the bench.

Welp, that was the first half. Smug-ass CR7 walking off to chat with someone while Messi walks onto the pitch. I wonder if he’ll play the second half. He’s not starting because of a precaution, but this game is probably killing him on the inside. Curious if Miami can turn this around in the second half, but also really tired.

lol there is half-time entertainment. I have the sound off so I thought this man was giving a very animated speech for some reason but no, he’s singing.XD (Or lip-syncing…?)

Second half. Messi not playing, but at least Busquets still is. According to the on-screen stats, Inter Miami have shot 8 times in the first half but only 2 were on target (2 were blocked).

Oh ffs, the GK just conceded a penalty??! He touched the ball when he was diving for it but I think the ref thought that was super reckless. Still, it’s not often that the ref sides against the GK so she must’ve thought it was really bad. No one argued much either. And Al Nassr now 4 up. Egad.

Busquets about to take a long ball! But the stream has frozen! What will happen next! Ok he got it into the box but no one can finish! They are killing me! Stream is frozen again!

Look at Busquets, frozen in the middle taking the free kick. I’ve seen him do this so many times, I think I can recognize his silhouette lol

Man, Busquets passes so neatly. Too bad I can’t say that about anyone else on the pitch. But will Alba score a miracle goal??? No, no he won’t.T_T

No. Fucking. Way. Suarez, how was that not a goal. ARGH.

#26 is making me insane. Stop giving away fouls for no reason dammit. Is he also the guy who kept missing in the first half??

Oh fuck off with this shit aim, Inter Miami.

Busquets & getting out of tight spots, name a better duo. But ok, whoever that CB in the middle is, he is terrible. Just…oh dear, Al Nassr just scored another one. Yeah you (random Inter Miami player who lost the duel) cover your head in shame, I can understand.

Alba and Suarez are off. Busquets is not. Good lord, give the poor man a break. Oh, Messi’s warming up. Maybe that’s why Busquets is staying on.

lmfao Messi, come on quick, Inter Miami just passed straight to Al Nassr. XD Busquets needs you!

Al Nassr has completed more passes than Inter Miami. Says everything really. And VAR is checking a potential goal for Al Nassr, their 6th (offside). Oh dang, they gave it. What a sad game for Inter Miami lol

Is it really necessary for Busquets to stay on this long? I mean this is a bloodbath, just let him rest on the bench. These guys are literally flying down to Hong Kong after this.

Ugh, the cameras are awful — they keep jerking around and it’s actually giving me vertigo.

Messi’s coming on with 10 minutes of regulation time left! Dammit, this really is the reason Busquets stayed on.@_@

Lots of nice passes between Messi and Busquets. ❤ If this game were only passes they would’ve won already. ;) But no, you need goals.

Welp, the end! They got their asses handed to them.^^; And Busquets is still arguing with the ref, he must be upset about something. Whoa, Tata Martino practically tackled him away just to argue with the ref himself! What is going on lol

Forget it, I’m too tired to be curious. It’s time for bed!

