Broken Steel: Depicting Superman’s Altered Identity and Destiny

Team Content Festember
5 min readJun 12, 2023


Superman, often hailed as the quintessential superhero, is known for his unwavering commitment to justice and compassion. However, his story typically assumes an idyllic childhood with loving and nurturing parents — the Kents. But what if Superman’s upbringing took a darker turn? What if he was raised by abusive parents? In this alternative reality, we delve into the consequences of such a childhood, examining its potential impact on the Man of Steel and the world he inhabits. This exploration delves into the age-old debate of nature versus nurture, as Superman’s upbringing would significantly shape his worldview and behaviour as a superhero.

Superman’s character has long been associated with the positive influence of the Kent family. The Kents instilled a sense of responsibility and taught him the value of using his extraordinary abilities for the greater good. Their love and care helped shape him into the symbol of hope we know today. However, a different upbringing — one tainted by abuse — would undoubtedly have far-reaching consequences.

In this alternative reality, Superman would have grown up in an environment where love, care, and positive guidance were absent. Instead of being nurtured with compassion and empathy, he would have been subjected to cruelty, neglect, and possibly even violence. Such an upbringing could have distorted his perception of the world and his place in it, leading to a fundamentally different Superman.

Without the foundation of love and support provided by the Kents, Superman may have struggled to understand the value of using his powers for the greater good. The absence of positive role models and a nurturing environment would have hindered the development of his moral compass. Instead of becoming a beacon of hope, he might have turned to anger, resentment, and a desire for power as a result of his abusive upbringing.

Superman’s alter ego, Clark Kent, shares Earth with another prominent figure — his arch-nemesis, Lex Luthor. While Superman embodies compassion and justice, Lex lacks these qualities. This juxtaposition raises the intriguing question of whether Superman would have chosen a malevolent path if he had been raised in a violent atmosphere. The nature versus nurture debate becomes more complex, involving an individual’s innate disposition and capacity for change.

When talking about Superman’s alternative upbringing, we must consider the interplay between nature and nurture. While nurture plays a significant role in shaping an individual’s character, nature, referring to their innate disposition, cannot be discounted. Some argue that Superman’s inherent goodness would prevail regardless of his upbringing, as his core values are rooted in his Kryptonian heritage.

Superman’s innate capacity for empathy and compassion is often attributed to his Kryptonian origins. The values instilled in him by his birth parents, Jor-El and Lara, could have remained steadfast even in the face of abuse. The essence of who Superman is — a protector and defender of humanity — might have persisted despite the adverse circumstances of his childhood. However, it is also important to acknowledge that abusive environments can profoundly impact on a person’s psyche, potentially causing lasting emotional and psychological scars.

The evil superman
Source: Pinterest (The Evil Superman)

In the Flashpoint Paradox storyline, an altered timeline reveals a Superman who was raised under government containment. Despite the traumatic circumstances, he still displays compassion when offered friendship by Cyborg, highlighting the enduring core of his character. This instance demonstrates that Superman’s intrinsic capacity for empathy remains intact, even in the face of abuse.

The Flashpoint Paradox presents a compelling case study on how an alternative upbringing can shape Superman’s character. Despite the oppressive conditions and isolation he experiences, his innate goodness still shines through. This showcases the resilience of Superman’s moral compass and his ability to rise above his circumstances.

Although the Flashpoint Paradox storyline presents a glimmer of hope, it is essential to recognize that not all individuals subjected to abuse can maintain their inherent goodness. The impact of abuse varies from person to person, and while some may rise above it, others may succumb to the darkness that engulfs them.

It is imperative to acknowledge that not all individuals who experience abuse become malevolent. With the right support and guidance, many can break the cycle and choose a path of goodness and redemption. Conversely, individuals from loving families can still veer toward darkness and misguided ideologies. Thus, both nature and nurture play pivotal roles in shaping character, involving an individual’s inherent disposition and willingness to learn and grow.

Superman’s potential for redemption lies not only in his inherent goodness but also in his resilience and capacity to transcend beyond his traumatic upbringing. The presence of positive influences, such as supportive friends, mentors, and a supportive community, can significantly impact an individual’s ability to break free from the cycle of abuse.

By surrounding himself with individuals who exemplify the qualities of compassion, justice, and moral integrity, Superman would have the opportunity to reshape his understanding of the world and his role in it. Through these positive relationships, he could learn to channel his powers toward positive change and become the hero he was meant to be.

While nurture significantly influences a person’s character, their willingness to improve themselves is equally crucial. Good people are often receptive to learning and evolving, even in the face of adversity. Superman’s alternative upbringing would indeed present him with extraordinary challenges, but it is his willingness to embrace his humanity and the support of those around him that would determine his ultimate path.

Character development is a multifaceted process that involves both internal and external factors. Superman’s upbringing would undoubtedly leave scars, but his innate resilience and desire to make a difference could motivate him to seek healing and growth. Through introspection, therapy, and the guidance of trusted allies, he could confront the trauma of his past and choose a different future.

Superman’s journey would not be easy. Overcoming the effects of abuse requires strength, courage, and a willingness to confront painful experiences. However, his potential for transformation lies in his unwavering commitment to justice and his understanding of the importance of using his powers responsibly.

The alternative reality where abusive parents raise Superman offers a chilling exploration of the Man of Steel’s character. It challenges our assumptions about the inherent goodness of superheroes and forces us to confront the complexities of nature versus nurture. While the nurturing environment provided by the Kents played a pivotal role in shaping Superman into the symbol of hope he is today, it is crucial to recognize that individuals have the capacity to rise above their circumstances and choose a path of redemption.

Superman’s character represents the potential for rectitude within all of us, regardless of our upbringing. It serves as a reminder that our actions and choices, influenced by both our nature and the nurturing we receive, ultimately define who we become. In the end, it is our willingness to embrace our humanity and the support of those around us that can lead us towards the path of righteousness. After all, what is to stop Superman from unleashing his fury upon us like the crashing of a thousand waves?

This piece was written by Rohit Gunasekaran and Nithi.



Team Content Festember

Team Content for Festember is the official literary team of Festember, NIT Trichy’s inter college cultural festival.