IBM’s Tavalsky joins Deed

2 min readJun 26, 2018


IBM’s Greg Tavalsky has joined real estate innovator Deed on their advisory board. Tavalsky has extensive experience working with Watson in the AI Marketplace at IBM. His focus is assisting in implementing IBM’s AI Solutions into the Deed platform. Tavalsky is also contributing in the area of corporate partnerships, business development and scaling.

Deed’s platform allows real estate clients to work with Deed brokers while paying a fraction of the commission they would on a typical transaction. Deed has an existing broker network available in 163 cities encompassing all 50 U.S. states and Puerto Rico.

Tavalsky is currently the Vice President of Digital Inside Sales for IBM in North America. He has been in his current role for over seven years, and has worked at IBM since 2001.

Greg Tavalsky

“Greg is the type of adviser that you rarely get a chance to work with,” Deed Co-Founder Matt Herrick said. “He has a very unique skillset that will have an immediate impact on our project and our scalability long term. You won’t find many companies more capable and connected than IBM.”

Tavalsky has led numerous successful teams through his expertise in Retail, Software Development, Servers, Asset Recovery Services, Inside Sales and Digital Sales.

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