How Staff Surveys help in Employee Engagement

3 min readNov 17, 2022


A staff survey is a useful way of gathering information about what is important to the employees. It’s a very effective tool to drive real change in a company and to gauge employee job satisfaction. These surveys are conducted through different methods — from online surveys to traditional paper surveys. Whatever ways we choose, staff surveys are an incredible way towards understanding employee needs.

The 7 benefits of the staff survey are:

1. Gives employees a voice:

Engagement surveys are essential as they provide a forum for honest feedback from employees. Giving employees a direct line to the management team provides an opportunity to build two-way contact and involve them in the development process. Employees that actively participate in planning become aware of their investment in the business and how appreciated their input is.

2. Encourage a positive work environment:

In order to foster a productive workplace, organisations need to conduct staff surveys. By asking for an employee’s input, they feel their thoughts matter and are valued. Establishing open feedback also promotes a culture of fairness, responsibility, and trust.

3. Increase employee retention over time:

The term “Employee Retention” refers to the management strategies used to encourage employees to stick around the company for a longer period of time by conducting staff surveys and acting on the results . It will also give organisations a chance to address employee issues directly. You can prevent staff attrition by monitoring employee satisfaction over time. Staff surveys are the key to ensuring that workers stick with the company for the longest period of time and remain engaged.

4. Adopting a benchmark:

Staff surveys provide great benchmarks. Employee’s options about the business, the workplace and services can be gathered. The initial employee surveys will act as a point of comparison, allowing you to monitor changes over time. For instance: Employees might provide you with important insights into how customers could feel about the organisation’s services.

5. Improve Communication:

Employee surveys are a good step in establishing contact with staff members. Employees can submit both positive and negative feedback about the company because everyone will get the opportunity to respond. The common feedback from the employees can be accepted and implemented for the betterment of the company and employees.

6. Measure levels of satisfaction:

In general, it’s critical to measure employee satisfaction to know whether your staff is content with things like business culture, benefits, morale, etc.

This is an important indicator to compare year-on year in an employee survey since it shows whether organisational improvements have improved employee happiness or not.

7. Opportunity for follow-up & discuss

The management team can hold follow-up meetings and have conversations with teams, thanks to surveys. Although less private than an online research, this serves as a follow-up action item to use the results in a more meaningful way. These sessions need to offer the management additional time to examine the survey results in more detail.

In conclusion, it is preferable to know what employees’ needs and thoughts are, rather than just assume. You won’t know if you don’t ask, and this is possible with a staff survey.

(Author: Praveena Battila is a chirpy & inquisitive digital marketing executive at TechDoQuest.)




TechDoQuest (TDQ) is a global software development company, focused on digital transformation and cloudification.