7 Amazing Things You Can Do With temi Personal Robot

Barry Sardis
5 min readDec 16, 2019

With recent advancements in robotics and AI, there has been a tremendous rise in personal and social robots. Not only are these smart robots capable of performing daily tasks efficiently but they also come with advanced NLP (natural language processing) technology.

This sort of assistive technology especially helps seniors improve their social well-being and combat loneliness in their old age, making these the ideal robots for the elderly.

One such robot called the temi Personal Robot is a special one that bridges the gap between smart personal robots and a multimedia machine.

What is temi Robot?

To put it simply, temi is a smart personal assistant robot designed to help people with their daily tasks. It features a rich set of sensors, cameras, and a navigation system that uses 3D mapping to detect objects and people.

temi is equipped with a 10” display, a sturdy body, and wheels that give it smooth mobility in the home or office. It has an intuitive OS powered with AI technology that actually sees and understands you like a human.

What Can You Do With temi Personal Robot?

Considering the aforementioned remarkable capabilities of temi, the smart interactive robot is capable of doing some really amazing things. Here’s what it can do:

Find Recipies in the Kitchen

If you are a passionate cook yourself and sometimes fall short of finding some delicious recipes then temi can give you a hand.

With its AI assistant technology, temi can smartly find recipes over the internet and neatly present you with all the ingredients and instructions in seconds. All you have to do is ask it for the recipe and temi will seamlessly present it on its 10” screen.

It can also help you find out vital information about different types of food and keep you informed on the latest trends.

Assist Senior Adults Living Alone

Considering temi as a personal robot that can respond to voice and interact with humans, it can be used as a robot companion for senior adults as well.

In fact, according to temi founder Yossi Wolf, he first got the idea of temi as a social and personal care robot for elderly adults after seeing his grandmother struggle to serve tea.

Seniors can use temi as a communication bridge to connect with their friends and family. What’s more, with its sturdy build quality seniors can also use temi as a mobility tool to help them stand up.

Create Your Own Moving Multimedia Station

Entertainment is deeply rooted in temi and given that it comes with Alexa integration and a 10” screen makes it a perfect device for media consumption. But perhaps what makes it more interesting is its ability to move on wheels.

This makes temi a walking media station.

With about eight hours of battery life and connectivity via. Wi-Fi, LTE, and Bluetooth, it always stays connected no matter where you are in the house.

As you walk around the house, you can ask temi to show you the latest news, watch TV, play your favorite songs, and more.

Deliver Things to You

One amazing aspect of temi is that it can be used as your very own personal butler.

temi, unlike other personal robots, can effortlessly navigate around the house as well as to detect and respond dynamically to new objects. It can identify whether an object is moving or nonmoving helping it avoid obstacles in its path.

temi also features a tray with Qi wireless charging that can also be used to hold small things like dishes, drinks, and bowls.

Kids or adults can ask temi to bring things to them without having to worry about temi bumping into objects around the house.

Keep Your Home Secured

One way you can utilize temi in your home is by using it as a potential monitoring device for security purposes.

The camera on the temi Personal Robot, though intended to be used for video calling, can easily be used as a home security camera.

Since you can control temi using a smartphone and stream the video via the app, you can use temi as a moving surveillance system to keep your home secured while you’re away.

Control Your Smart Home

If you own a smart home or have a bunch of smart devices in your home then temi can easily connect and interact with them via Alexa.

It can control your smart bulbs and thermostats and get everything ready before you reach home from a busy day. Sensing you’re home temi can greet you on your arrival and once you’re done, you can ask it to return back to a particular place.

Foster Interactive Learning in Kids

Being an intelligent personal robot, temi is also capable of providing interactive learning with apps. Parents can use the temi robot to teach their kids new languages or concepts through fun games. Parents can also take their kids to visit their grandparents to interact more with temi.

temi is open for app developers that can develop a range of interactive apps for kids and to help elderly adults living at home.

From interactive games to educational apps temi can thus make learning more fun and engaging for not just kids but also the elderly. Seniors can learn about various things by watching Ted Talks, YouTube videos, and reading the latest news.

Final Thoughts

With remarkable AI capabilities and smart navigational features, temi is one of the smartest personal robots on the market. Apart from being a personal robot, it can also become your personal DJ, a companion for your senior, and even a teacher for your kids.

All in all, it’s the perfect device that lets you stay connected to your loved ones and family alongside giving you a break from your smartphone.

With new trends and developments in the social robot industry, it’ll be interesting to see what new features the next iteration will bring. As the breakthrough of AI and NLP will become more prevalent, it wouldn’t be surprising to see temi as one of the advanced robots of the future.

What are your thoughts on the temi Personal Robot? What things did you find the most interesting? Let me know in the comments below.



Barry Sardis

Co-founder: Tech for Aging | Blogger | Self-Taught Programmer | Tech professional & enthusiast for over 50 years. Read my blogs on https://techforaging.com/