The Death of Mozilla is the Death of the Open Web

5 min readAug 9, 2022

If you look at the current desktop browser market share, Chrome takes up almost 70%. That is 70% of the web is controlled by just one company, a company that makes money by selling your user data and pushing ads. They also have a huge incentive to get as much control of web standards as possible to increase their profits.

Google’s dominance over browser market share gets even more scary when you include other Chromium based browsers such as Edge and Opera. When this is done, Chromium based browsers make up more than 80% of the market share. It gets even worse when you include mobile web browsers. The non-Chromium based Safari does take up 25% of mobile market share when you include iPhones. But, if we take out iPhones and include only Android based devices, Firefox (and its forks) are the only mobile browser that doesn’t use Chromium’s engine and it only has 0.5% market share.

This is a problem because we have one company, Google, controlling every web standard going into our browsers. So, Firefox is our last hope for a non-Chromium based browser if you aren’t running an Apple product. Keeping that in mind, Firefox has been in a lot of hot water, which is causing it to lose its ground fast.

