Top 5 FAVORITE Linux Distros in 2023

5 min readMar 5, 2023

It’s been a while since we over-viewed some of my top Linux distributions. Creating top lists for anything is difficult to do as leaving out bias and opinion is near impossible. An actual top or best Linux distro list would probably have Debian at the top and include OpenSUSE, RHEL, and distributions like that. This list is my personal favorite. Linux distributions that I’ve actually used on physical hardware in the last year and find myself coming back.

Top 5 Linux Distributions

This wont be ranked necessarily from least to most favorite, but I will rank it from least to most time spent using the distribution. When it comes to ranking that will be about it.

5. Vanilla OS

Vanilla OS is what I would consider to be a Linux nerds dream. It’s based on Ubuntu, but strips out everything I don’t like, including snap and any other Canonical trash. Vanilla OS is an immutable operating system, core parts of the system are read only to prevent unwanted changes and corruption from third-party apps or a bad update. Vinialla used…

