Event Management Application “Aloha!”

TechLabs Hamburg
3 min readSep 10, 2021


This project was carried out as part of the TechLabs “Digital Shaper Program” in Hamburg (summer term 2021).

Group events between friends can be hard to coordinate and manage. Long chats on messaging apps often lead to misunderstandings and to information being lost. With our event management application “Aloha!”, users can plan and maintain an overview of the status quo of an event — including information on the time and date, meeting place and invited guests. Furthermore, the calendar function makes sure no one will miss a planned event.

What are the ideas behind your project?
Create an easy-to-use application for quickly organizing meetings. The application is suitable for organizing big events, like birthdays, as well as for everyday meetings in a café or co-working space. Our goal was to encourage people to meet in real-life.

Steps on the way of creating our app & methodology:

  1. We created several design options in Figma and chose the most convenient one.

2. We have installed Git and created a common repository on GitHub for our project.

3. In the repo we created a ReactJS application to work on the project.

4. Also, each of the participants locally installed the following programs: mongoDB and nodeJS (incl. npm). These programs let us run the project and display it in the browser. Despite the fact that all the programs were installed, some of us could not start the program the first time. In order to do this, we established a guide for both front- end backend in our README file.

5. All team members were divided into those who worked on the frontend and backend.

6. For working with the frontend of the project the following programming languages ​​were used: JSX, CSS (via styled components). Of course, we had to read a lot of additional materials and watch tutorials in order to create components in JSX.

7. For the backend we used nodeJS as a runtime with Express to create REST APIs and the moongoose framework.

For authentication, we used JSON web token and the passwords were hashed with bcrypt.





8. One of the most difficult tasks was connecting the frontend with the backend. While testing the application, a lot of errors appeared.

Our Event Management Application allows users to create and edit events, invite guests through a link and manage RSVPs. “Aloha” is a Hawaiian greeting word and stands for the engaging character of the application.

The events include important information such as time, date, and place. Through the calendar function, users can maintain an overview of upcoming events.

Since our skills and experience in programming were different from the very beginning, some of us did more work than others. However, the willingness of more experienced participants to help others allowed us to work as a team. Unfortunately, tight deadlines, as well as the main occupation of all project participants, greatly hampered the completion of the project and bringing it to the full working state. Nevertheless, it was interesting to work in an international team, since we are all from different countries: Germany, Russia, Kazakhstan and Brazil

GitHub: https://github.com/camilawfranco/techlabs_group3.git

All WebDev track.

Mentor: Ashneil Sakhrani

