A Message to Women

4 min readJan 21, 2016

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I’m a 29 year old, happily married man, and I have something I want all ladies to know.

There are many, many men that are complete assholes. Sadly, you know this all too well. Nobody needs to tell you that there is an astoundingly large number of real douchebags in the world. You ladies put up with a lot of crap.

As a man, I want to say sorry. I am not apologising for the behavior of the idiots that cat-call as you walk down the street, or the morons that view the male gender as superior to you, or the sad, broken little “men” that cheat on the women in their lives. No. I’m not apologising for these clowns. Their behaviour is disgusting and they are the ones that must live with their decisions, their backwards thinking and their childish actions. I can’t do anything about these guys. Neither can you. They are weak, pathetic, broken individuals.
What I do want to apologise for is the fact that you have to endure that kind of nonsense in the first place. I am sorry that these things happen, and I am sorry that these bozos exist.

More than knowing that I am sorry, I want you to know that I have nothing but respect for you. Despite all the extra garbage you ladies deal with on a daily basis, you excel in every area that any man excels in. Despite very often being treated as inferior business people, being overlooked for promotion because of your gender, being sexually harassed by perverted co-workers, you continue to excel. In addition to all of this ridiculousness, that you should absolutely not have to deal with, you also deal with the things that come with being a woman, like pregnancy, menstrual cycles, etc. Further to all of this, you also deal with the things that come with societal pressures and outlandish expectations that the world puts on you, like having perfect hair and make-up, having a perfect figure, as well as having every other area of your life in perfect order. It’s absolutely crazy!

I am sorry that this is the case. I can only imagine how difficult and how unpleasant it must so often be.

I am not writing this to belittle men, although many, many men deserve to be belittled due to the way that they treat women. I am writing this to tell all women that myself and many men have nothing but respect for you. We think you are amazing! You deal with so many more obstacles on a daily basis than most men do, and yet you overcome these challenges. It is crazy that you are so often presented with a severely uneven playing field, and yet your talent, work ethic and drive cause you to succeed. These traits of yours force an evening of the playing field, but the playing fields should not have to be evened out in the first place. I am in awe of you. I am also ashamed, not necessarily as a man, but as a human being, that you deal with so much unnecessary crap simply because of your gender.

Please know this: there are many men that feel the way that I do. There are many, many men that see you as equals, that have tremendous respect for you, and that are disgusted by the way you are so often treated. Sadly though, many times, when we should, we don’t stand up for you, not because you need us "big, strong men" to come to your rescue, but because you are fellow human beings and the way you’re being treated is wrong and you deserve better. This needs to change. While we can’t force the idiots that cat-call and view you as inferior to change, we can most certainly stand alongside you and let you know that we, as men, have your backs.

Ladies, you are phenomenal. Please know that there are men that value, respect and admire you. The “men” that treat you so poorly or think of themselves as superior to you are weak, pathetic, broken little boys.

Thankfully things are changing, albeit slowly. I am painfully aware that it should not be your problem that so many people are so backwards-thinking. Again, I’m sorry that this is the case. I’m sorry that you have to deal with men that are clinging to the old days.

Please do not ever allow the broken thinking of small-minded men to bring you down or cause you to be anything other than yourselves. Something that deeply upsets me is the thought of being grouped together with these morons and labeled as men. Please know that those of us that feel this way want nothing to do with those people. And I’m not saying these things to get in anyone’s good books or because I feel that if I don’t say these things I will be letting anyone down. I’m saying these things because I want to. I’m saying these things because it’s how I feel.

Ladies, please know that you are revered, you are admired and you are respected. Any man that makes you feel anything less than the incredible woman that you are, is not actually a real man. They are pitiful, weak, scared, ignorant little boys.

You are amazing! You always have been, and you always will be!




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