Create Invoice, Order Form, Fillable PDF Form 2024

10 min readDec 19, 2023


An invoice is a crucial tool for businesses to ensure timely payment for their products and services. In today’s digital world, creating and sharing invoices electronically has become the norm. One effective way to do this is by using an invoice template in PDF format. In this article, I will share tips and guides on how to create professional invoice templates, order forms, and fillable PDF forms.

Using a standardized format, an invoice template PDF provides a universal and professional look that can be easily viewed, printed, and shared across different devices and operating systems. By following best practices and including essential elements, you can create an ideal invoice template that streamlines your invoicing process and enhances professionalism.

Invoice, Order Form, Fillable PDF Form 2024

Key Takeaways:

  • An invoice template PDF offers a standardized format for creating and sharing invoices electronically.
  • Creating a fillable invoice template in PDF format ensures consistency and ease of use for clients.
  • Key principles for a professional invoice template include clean design, clear language, and prominent company contact information.
  • Including essential elements such as company details, invoice title and number, client information, and payment terms is crucial.
  • Using tools like Jotform can simplify the invoice creation process and improve efficiency.

👉 See This Captivating Professional and Persuasive Invoice, Order Form, Fillable PDF Form 2024

How to Create a Professional Invoice Template PDF

Creating a professional invoice template is essential for businesses to maintain a polished and organized approach to invoicing. By following a few key principles, you can create an invoice that not only looks professional but also facilitates easy payment processing and record-keeping.

Design and Font

When designing your invoice template, it’s important to keep the design clean and visually appealing. Choose a professional font that is legible and easy to read. Opt for a font size that is neither too small nor too large, striking the right balance between aesthetics and readability.

Clear and Concise Language

Use clear and concise language in your invoice template, ensuring that all information is easily understood. Avoid overly complex jargon or unnecessary details. Clearly state the payment terms and any additional instructions or requirements for payment.

Company Contact Information

Feature your company’s contact information prominently on the invoice, including your business name, address, phone number, and email address. This makes it easy for clients to get in touch with you if they have any questions or concerns regarding the invoice.

Using Cloud Storage and PDF Format

Utilize cloud storage platforms such as Google Drive, Dropbox, or Microsoft SharePoint to easily share your invoice template with team members. This ensures easy access and efficient collaboration, even when working remotely. Additionally, converting your invoice template to a PDF format or using e-signature software simplifies the approval and acceptance process, eliminating the need for printers and scanners.

By following these tips and utilizing the right tools, you can create a professional invoice template in PDF format that reflects your brand and makes the invoicing process efficient and streamlined.

Next, we will explore the essential elements to include in an invoice template, ensuring accurate and comprehensive invoicing for your business.

Essential Elements to Include in an Invoice Template

An effective invoice template serves as a professional and organized representation of your business. It ensures that your clients have all the necessary information to make payments accurately and on time. To create a comprehensive and concise invoice template, consider including the following essential elements:

1. Company Contact Information

Start your invoice template by prominently displaying your company’s contact information. This includes your business name, address, phone number, and email address. Providing clear and accessible contact details establishes credibility and facilitates communication with your clients.

2. Invoice Title and Number

Clearly identify the document as an invoice by including an invoice title at the top. Additionally, assign a unique invoice number to each invoice you generate. The sequential numbering system helps with organization and tracking of payments.

3. Client’s Name and Address

Include your client’s full name or business name along with their contact information, such as their address and email. This ensures that the invoice is personalized and reaches the intended recipient.

4. Invoice Dates

State the invoice issue date and the due date prominently. This avoids confusion and sets clear expectations regarding payment timelines. Including these dates helps both parties adhere to the agreed-upon payment terms.

5. Description of Services or Goods

Provide a detailed description of the services or goods that were provided. Be specific and include any relevant details or specifications. This clarity helps your clients understand what they are being billed for and reduces any potential disputes.

6. Cost of Each Line Item

Break down the cost of each line item in your invoice. List each service or item separately, along with its corresponding price. This transparency ensures transparency and makes it easier for your clients to reconcile the invoice with the services or goods received.

Invoice, Order Form, Fillable PDF Form 2024

👉 See This Captivating Professional and Persuasive Invoice, Order Form, Fillable PDF Form 2024

7. Total Amount Owed

Summarize the total amount owed at the bottom of your invoice. This should include the subtotal, any applicable taxes, and any discounts or credits. Providing a clear and concise total amount owed avoids confusion and makes it easier for your clients to remit payment.

8. Space for Signatures

Leave adequate space at the bottom of the invoice for both your client and yourself to sign. This serves as a confirmation that both parties have read and agree to the terms of the invoice. Having signatures in place can help prevent future disputes or misunderstandings.

By including these essential elements in your invoice template, you can ensure clarity, professionalism, and accuracy in your billing process. Customizing your template to meet your specific business needs and client requirements further enhances the effectiveness of your invoices.

Tips for Writing an Effective Invoice

When it comes to writing an effective invoice, there are several tips and strategies that can help you streamline the process and increase your chances of getting paid on time. By implementing these practices, you can enhance your professionalism and ensure accurate and timely payments.

Clearly Define Payment Deadlines

One of the most crucial aspects of an invoice is specifying the payment deadline. Clearly state the due date on your invoices to ensure your clients are aware of when the payment is expected. Additionally, consider adding information about penalties for late payments, such as interest charges or late fees. This not only incentivizes prompt payment but also sets clear expectations for your clients.

Include Legal Specifications

To protect your business and ensure compliance with laws and regulations, make it a practice to include legal specifications on your invoices. This can include information about payment processing, outstanding payment penalties, or any other legal terms that apply to your industry. By clearly outlining these details, you can avoid any potential disputes or surprises for your clients.

Communicate with Your Clients

Effective communication is key when it comes to invoicing. Reach out to your clients and ask if they have any specific requirements or preferences for the invoice format. This can include any additional information they may need, such as project codes or reference numbers. By understanding their needs and addressing them proactively, you can improve the efficiency and accuracy of your invoicing process.

Secure and Trustworthy Invoicing Method

Choosing a secure and trustworthy method to submit your invoices is essential to protect your business and ensure accurate payment amounts. Consider sending your invoices as PDFs rather than in other formats, as PDFs are less susceptible to modifications. This helps maintain the integrity of your invoices and ensures that the payment amounts are accurate. Additionally, using tools like Jotform can simplify the invoice creation process by providing editable invoice templates and the ability to collect e-signatures, streamlining your workflow.

By following these tips for writing an effective invoice, you can improve your invoicing process, enhance professionalism, and increase your chances of receiving timely payments.


Invoices are a critical component of any business, ensuring that prompt and accurate payments are made for products and services rendered. As a business owner, it is vital to understand the process of creating and sending invoices to maintain professionalism and timely payments.

By following the steps and tips outlined in this article, you can easily create professional invoice templates in PDF format. These templates can be customized to meet the unique needs of your clients, enhancing both record-keeping and customer satisfaction.

To further simplify your invoicing process, consider utilizing tools such as Papersign. This platform offers a streamlined experience, allowing you to create and submit professional invoices securely. Additionally, tools like Papersign can assist in creating fillable PDF forms and even enable you to create invoice forms in Excel, providing flexibility and convenience.

Remember, an efficient and professional invoicing process is crucial for the success and growth of your business. By implementing the strategies discussed in this article and utilizing the right tools, you can ensure accurate payments, improved efficiency, and a seamless invoicing experience for both you and your clients.


What is an invoice template PDF?

An invoice template PDF is a digital document that provides a standardized format for creating and sharing invoices electronically.

Why should I use an invoice template PDF?

Using an invoice template PDF offers a more universal and professional format that can be easily shared, printed, and viewed across different devices and operating systems.

What are some tips for creating an ideal invoice template PDF?

Tips for creating an ideal invoice template PDF include including spaces for company information, invoice title and number, client information, invoice dates, description of services or goods, cost of each line item, total amount owed, and payment terms and methods.

Why is it important to create a fillable invoice template in PDF format?

Creating a fillable invoice template in PDF format ensures consistency in appearance and allows clients to input information easily.

What are the benefits of creating an invoice template as a PDF?

Benefits of creating an invoice template as a PDF include saving time and effort, ensuring consistency and professionalism, reducing errors and omissions, and improving efficiency.

What are some key principles for creating a professional invoice template?

Key principles for creating a professional invoice template include keeping the design clean and visually appealing, choosing a professional and legible font, using clear and concise language, clearly stating the payment terms, featuring company contact information prominently, and considering adding a polite request for a review or feedback.

How can I share the invoice template PDF with team members?

Tools like cloud storage platforms such as Google Drive, Dropbox, or Microsoft SharePoint can be used to share the invoice template PDF with team members, ensuring easy access and efficient collaboration.

How can I simplify the approval and acceptance process for invoices?

Converting the template file to a PDF format or using e-signature software simplifies the approval and acceptance process, eliminating the need for printers and scanners.

What essential elements should I include in an invoice template?

Essential elements to include in an invoice template are your company’s contact information, the title “Invoice” and invoice number, client’s name and address, invoice dates (issue date and due date), description of services or goods, cost of each line item, and total amount owed.

Why should I leave a space for signatures at the bottom of the invoice?

Leaving a space at the bottom of the invoice for signatures ensures that both parties read and agree to the terms of the invoice, preventing disagreements in the future.

How can I customize the invoice template for each client?

Customizing the invoice template to include specific project information for each client can enhance record-keeping and meet their unique needs.

How can I increase the chances of getting paid sooner?

To increase the chances of getting paid sooner, include payment deadlines on your invoices and add information about penalties for late payments.

Why should I include legal specifications on my invoices?

Writing the legal specifications on your invoices, such as payment processing or outstanding payment penalties, ensures compliance with laws and avoids surprises for the client.

Should I communicate with my clients about the invoice template?

It is important to communicate with your clients and ask if they need any specific information on the invoice or if they have a template they use for all their vendors.

How can I ensure the accuracy and security of my invoices?

Choosing a secure and trustworthy method to submit your invoices, such as sending them as PDFs, helps prevent modifications and ensures accurate payment amounts.

Are there any tools that can simplify the invoice creation process?

Tools like Jotform can simplify the invoice creation process by providing editable invoice templates and the ability to collect e-signatures for a streamlined workflow.

How important are invoices in business operations?

Invoices play a crucial role in business operations by ensuring correct payment for products and services.

Why is it important to learn how to create and send invoices?

Understanding how to create and send invoices is essential for business owners to maintain professionalism and receive timely payments.

How can I improve my invoicing process overall?

By following the steps and tips outlined in this article, you can create professional invoice templates in PDF format, customize them to meet client needs, and improve your invoicing process overall.

Are there any other tools that can simplify the invoice creation and submission process?

Using tools like Papersign can further simplify the invoice creation and submission process, ensuring a professional and secure experience for both you and your clients.




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