Why Learning Cybersecurity is Beneficial Even if It’s Not Your Career Choice

Fabio Moreira
5 min readDec 11, 2023
Photo by Markus Spiske on Unsplash

Cybersecurity is a rapidly growing field that is in high demand. There are many reasons why learning cybersecurity is beneficial, even if you don’t plan on making a career out of it.

Increased awareness of cybersecurity risks: Learning about cybersecurity can help you to protect yourself and your personal information from online threats. You can learn about common scams, how to avoid malware and phishing attacks, and how to create strong passwords.

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Improved understanding of technology: Cybersecurity is an essential part of how technology works. Learning about cybersecurity can help you to better understand how computers and networks function, which can be useful in any industry.

Boosted employability: Cybersecurity skills are highly valued by employers. Even if you don’t want to work in cybersecurity, having some knowledge of the field can make you a more competitive candidate for other jobs.

Here are some specific reasons why learning cybersecurity can be beneficial:

Increased job opportunities: A recent study by the Information Systems Audit and Control Association (ISACA) found that there were over 3.5 million cybersecurity jobs available worldwide in 2021. This number is expected to grow significantly in the years to come.

Photo by Gilly on Unsplash

Higher salaries: Cybersecurity professionals are among the highest paid IT professionals. The average salary for a cybersecurity analyst in the United States is over $100,000 per year.

Job security: Cybersecurity is a relatively new field, and there is a high demand for qualified professionals. This means that cybersecurity jobs are less likely to be outsourced or automated than other IT jobs.

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Learning cybersecurity is an investment in your future. It can help you to protect yourself from online threats, improve your understanding of technology, and boost your employability. If you are considering a career in cybersecurity, or if you simply want to learn more about the field, I encourage you to take the first step and start learning today.

Here are some additional benefits to learning cybersecurity:

Increased critical thinking skills: Cybersecurity professionals need to be able to think critically and solve problems in order to identify and address security threats. Learning cybersecurity can help you to develop these skills.

Improved decision-making skills: Cybersecurity professionals need to be able to make quick and informed decisions in order to protect their organizations from cyberattacks. Learning cybersecurity can help you to develop these skills.

Greater confidence in using technology: Learning about cybersecurity can give you a greater sense of confidence in using technology. You will be better able to understand how to protect yourself and your data from online threats.

Enhanced Personal Cybersecurity: As we rely more heavily on digital technologies, personal cybersecurity becomes paramount. Learning about cybersecurity equips you with the skills to safeguard your personal information, prevent identity theft, and protect yourself from online scams and malicious attacks. You’ll gain insights into best practices for strong passwords, secure online banking, and avoiding phishing emails.

Greater Confidence in the Digital World: As you gain knowledge about cybersecurity, you’ll feel more confident navigating the online landscape. You’ll better understand the risks and protections involved in online transactions, social media interactions, and general internet usage. This newfound confidence can translate into a more secure and productive online experience.

Contribution to a Safer Digital Society: Cybersecurity is not just about individual protection; it’s about safeguarding the collective digital infrastructure that supports our society. Learning cybersecurity empowers you to contribute to a safer digital world by making informed decisions, supporting security initiatives, and advocating for responsible online behavior.

Staying Updated with the Evolving Landscape: Cybersecurity is an ever-evolving field, with new threats and challenges emerging constantly. Learning cybersecurity requires a commitment to continuous learning and staying up-to-date with the latest trends, techniques, and best practices. This ability to adapt and learn new skills is valuable in any field and essential for navigating the dynamic cybersecurity landscape.

Additional Sources to Learn Cybersecurity for Free

Skills for All: This website offers a variety of online courses, tutorials, and certifications in cybersecurity.

IBM SkillBuild: This platform provides free online courses and training materials on a wide range of topics, including cybersecurity.

Khan Academy: This well-known educational platform offers a comprehensive cybersecurity curriculum, including courses on ethical hacking, penetration testing, and cloud security.

Mozilla Webmaker: This organization provides free online resources and tools for learning about web development and cybersecurity, including the Web Security Academy.

Introduction to Cybersecurity by edX: This course is offered by the University of Michigan and covers the fundamentals of cybersecurity, including network security, application security, and data security.

Cybersecurity Fundamentals by Coursera: This course is offered by the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign and covers the basics of cybersecurity, including threat modeling, vulnerability assessment, and penetration testing.

Cybersecurity for Everyone by Udemy: This course is designed for beginners and covers the basics of cybersecurity, including online safety, phishing scams, and password security.

Cybersecurity Essentials by Pluralsight: This course is designed for IT professionals and covers the basics of cybersecurity, including network security, system security, and application security.

My personal favorite is Cisco. Skills for All, but there are many resources you can use to learn about cybersecurity. I also recommend learning AI since that will be a major stepping stone towards the IT industry and can be a great investment for yourself.

Thank you for taking the time to read this article. I hope you found it informative and insightful. If you are interested in learning more about cybersecurity, or if you want to keep updated on everything I write tech related, please follow me. I regularly publish articles on a variety of tech topics, and I would be happy to hear from you.



Fabio Moreira

Reigning over 1s and 0s with thunderous keystrokes. Here to enlighten on Tech and CyberSecurity or anything I find interesting ⚡️🔒