Built Wearable IoT Ecosystem For Gym

Tech Vedika
2 min readSep 7, 2018


Wearables have been growing in popularity in recent years, spreading like wildfire across the health and wellness landscape. With dozens of brands, styles and sizes to choose from, it has become easier than ever to find the perfect personal fitness tracker​.

The greatest advantage of a wearable device is its constant presence. All day, it’s tracking your members’ movements and heart rates, gathering and categorizing that information.

Wearable technology, such as Fitrax, Polar, Fitbit and iWatch, gives consumers a constant motivation to get in shape. It is able to track basic metrics such as steps and floors climbed, in addition to more advanced insights like heart rate and calories burned. Wearable tech allows users to focus on reaching daily goals, instead of fixating on the vague goal of “getting in shape”.

A product like Fitrax is valuable for a club and to personal trainers because it helps extend the relationship between the trainer and the client beyond the gym. It helps keep the client somewhat accountable.

As wearable fitness technology has a versatile range, health clubs are implementing new programs and technologies of their own in order to engage clients and keep them active.

Tech Vedika has build complete ecosystem and platform for Fitrax to provide end to end solution to their gym, health & fitness club customers. Tech Vedika’s dedicated team created a complete solution within 8 months. We delivered production-ready solution for them.

Main Features of the Platform:

  • View your effort live on your smartphone
  • Make social connections and challenge friends.
  • Leaderboard, Competition to Earn points and gain status rankings.
  • BYOD Connect to other wearable devices (Support any wearable device).
  • Connect to 3rd party GYM equipment for maximum versatility.

Main Components of the Eco System We build.

  1. Cloud WDM Server: Wearable device management server.
  2. Gym & Fitness Center Web Portal: To manage their members, coach, reports etc.
  3. Coach & Trainer App: Android & iOS apps for coaches to monitor day to day progress of the members.
  4. Member App: Android & iOS apps for members to record, track & monitor their activity & plan.

How can we help you?

To schedule a demo or to get a quote, get in touch with us.



Tech Vedika

Software solution provider in cutting-edge technologies including Mobile, Cloud, IoT, AI and Big Data. Visit www.techvedika.com for more info.