Understand The Concepts of Data Structure

2 min readNov 7, 2022


Data structures are a particular way of organizing data in a system so that it can be used effectively and efficiently.


An array is a data structure that consists of an ordered collection of similar items

An array has a single name

The items in an array are referred to in terms of their position in the array

Arrays are used to manipulate multiple values

Linked List

In a linked list the elements are not stored in a contiguous memory locations. The elements in a linked list are linked using Pointers

A linked list is a linear data structure

Nodes make up linked lists. Nodes are structures made up of data and a pointer to another node. Usually the pointer is called next


Stack follows a particular order called LIFO (Last in first out) in which the operations are performed


Queue follows a particular order called FIFO(First in first out) in which operations are performed


A tree is nonlinear hierarchical data the structure that consists of nodes connected by edge


A graph data structure is a collection of nodes that have data and are connected to other nodes

Hash Table

A hash table is a data structure that stores elements and allows insertions, lookups, and deletions to be performed. In hash table, a hash function is used to map keys into positions in a table. This is called Hashing

Useful Resources

Here, I recommend the best website that you can use to study data structures and algorithms and go in depth of the concepts and feel them yourself

Data Structures-GeeksforGeeks

Learn DS and Algorithms-Programiz

Final Thoughts

In this short article, I just wanted to explain you few important things and that i did. i hope you find the article helpful.

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