An In-Depth Guide to Annotations in Java Spring Boot

Techie's Spot
3 min readOct 21, 2023

Annotations are a powerful feature in Java Spring Boot that provide metadata about your code, allowing you to configure and customize your application. They are used to simplify and streamline the configuration and management of various aspects of your Spring Boot application. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore different types of annotations in Spring Boot, their uses, and provide widely used examples.

Introduction to Annotations

Annotations are a form of metadata that can be added to Java code, classes, methods, or fields to provide additional information about the code. In Spring Boot, annotations are used for a wide range of purposes, from marking Spring components to configuring data sources.

1. Spring Core Annotations

These annotations are used to manage Spring components, configuration, and dependency injection.

a. @Component

@Component is a generic stereotype annotation for any Spring-managed component. It tells Spring to manage the annotated class as a Spring bean.


public class MyComponent {
// Your class definition

b. @Service

@Service is a specialization of the @Component annotation. It is used to annotate classes that perform service tasks, such as business logic or data manipulation.



Techie's Spot

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