Blockchain against drought

2 min readFeb 15, 2019


IBM has announced its willingness to take part in an environmental project for the groundwater level monitoring in the San Joaquin Delta in California, the unique feature of which will be the use of blockchain technology.

IBM, together with environmentalists from the Freshwater Trust and the company SweetSense using blockchain technology plan to monitor the level of groundwater in the Delta of the San Joaquin river in California in real time. This region is known for its severe drought climate, so information about the current level of groundwater is vital for thousands of local farmers.

Technically, the monitoring system is as follows: IoT sensors from SweetSense in real time will monitor the level of groundwater and transmit information to the satellite, which then is transferred into the cloud blockchain IBM. It is planned to regulate the volume of water intake by smart contracts.
That is, every farmer in the region and representatives of regulatory authorities at any time can get up-to-date information on ground water reserves, which in the future can make the consumption of fresh water more rational and predictable.

Moreover, the tokenization of this resource in this particular region will make the use of fresh water not only more careful, but also profitable for those farmers who for one reason or another do not plan to spend water on irrigation of their lands. In this case, they can sell their quota to other farmers.

If successful, this project can easily be reproduced anywhere in the world where there are similar problems with the availability of fresh water.




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