Renewable energy will overtake fossil fuels

1 min readDec 9, 2019


As you know, we are also following the news in the renewable energy sector, because we are confident in the future of renewable energy. Yes, now traditional energy is the main for mankind, but we should not forget about the development of renewable sources.

The latest data from Bloomberg New Energy Finance (BNEF) research group shows that the world has entered a phase of rapid transformation. And the time of the first stages of the transition to clean energy has come.

Michael Liebreich, the founder of BNEF, is confident that over the next decade the development of clean energy will exceed all expectations, and this will happen for economic reasons.

Interestingly, his words are supported by the example of decarbonization of the UK economy. In just 10 years, the country has deployed significant renewable energy capacity and now receives more energy from the sun, wind and biofuels than from burning oil and gas.




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