Six most high-tech cities in the world

2 min readOct 11, 2019


To look into the future, it is not necessary to invent a time machine. But somewhere , due to the efforts of man, the future has already come. Do you want to see it with your own eyes? Then welcome to any of the six Metropolitan areas included in this review.

Amsterdam is among the most technologically advanced megacities for decades. Today there are more than 1500 companies working in the field of IT. The total number of their staff is close to 70,000 people, it is more than 13 percent of the working population of the city.

Such a high concentration of high technology in Amsterdam is explained quite simply: there are many incubators and accelerators that provide invaluable assistance to startups in the first months of their existence. In addition, the metropolis has tax benefits for foreign IT-specialists.

The capital of South Korea is rich with innovation. Distributing high-speed Internet routers are integrated into street lights, and coffee is prepared by robots. At public transport stops, people can order products in a virtual supermarket. And Seoul is a recognized leader in the number of patents granted. For example, LG and Samsung alone filed more than 12,000 patent applications only in 2017 .

The capital of Great Britain is the oldest technological center of Western Europe. Investors willingly and actively invest in IT companies incorporated here. Only in the first 6 months of this year in total, they have already managed to attract more than $ 3 billion. Priority areas of their work are artificial intelligence and financial technologies, including blockchain.

Today, the largest and most dynamically developing technology companies in Europe, including BP, ASOS, Monzo, Revolut, Barclays, have their headquarters in London. The reason is in comfortable business conditions: tax benefits and grants.

New York
New York today is not only Broadway and banks, but also the center of high technology. Technology corporations and investment funds are already officially the core of the local economy. The offices of Twitter, Citigroup, IBM, WeWork and Verizon operate here.

Despite its quite traditional appearance, the capital of Japan is one of the most technologically advanced cities in the world. Outside the land of the Rising sun, the metropolis is primarily famous for its high-speed trains, robotics and software products. Tokyo is a center of attraction for both startups and established companies. There is already a comprehensive facial recognition system, and public transport is controlled by artificial intelligence.

San Francisco
San Francisco doesn’t need any extra introductions. Here is the world famous Silicon valley. It develops advanced computer hardware and software. Tesla, Amazon, HP, Intel, Apple, Google and Facebook offices are located here.




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