Technotec: corporate monsters are turning to outsourcing models

2 min readJun 18, 2020


The changes in the corporate labor market caused by the coronavirus pandemic affected even the highly conservative corporate monsters, who for the longest time have refused to consider options of remote works of large part of their employees. However, the circumstances have made them to change their opinions.

In May the world’s largest companies and corporations started to declare a gradual transition from the insourcing model of work to outsourcing.

On the one hand, such significant changes will inevitably cause a crisis in the labor market, on the other, with the new era of relations between employers and employees, the professionals and high-class specialists have bright prospects.

Experts call the forming system of relations in the labor market human-centered, characterised by the absence of significant borders between corporations for employees and the association of highly qualified specialists employed in one or related industries in teams for solving the most complex tasks. Accordingly, the m & a market will gradually move away from acquiring entire companies and focus on “hunting” for the most effective teams.

This approach will raise the cost of human capital to a new level and will serve as a basis for revising the principles of corporate rating,where, in addition to the economic indicators of companies, the cost of their teams, calculated on the basis of data on the effectiveness of their work, will come to the fore.




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