Techweek Ten: Brendan McCarthy, Techweek

Techweek editors
3 min readApr 25, 2016


Techweek Ten is an intimate look into the daily lives of tech’s most prominent personalities. Sit in as we explore the intersection of nostalgia, habits, and tech with industry leaders.

Brendan McCarthy is the Director of Community Content at Techweek. He’s the producer and host of Techweek Podcast as well as the coordinator for community-written features like Techweek Ten, Techweek Elevator, and City Snapshot.

Without further ado…

1) What was the first piece of technology you fell in love with?
Nintendo Entertainment System (NES). My mom got my dad a NES for their anniversary. I remember my mom would hide our copy of Contra in a cabinet above the stove because it was too violent for a five-year old. That was fine because I played Super Mario Bros. 3 instead. Best game ever.

2) What’s on the lock screen of your phone?

I usually change backgrounds ~once a month. Right now I just have this pic I found on I like the relaxing color pallet.

3) What’s the oldest email in your inbox?
It’s an ad for Iowa State University. I recall making a new “professional” email account for college applications because my previous email address was named after a heavy metal band (shout-out Children of Bodom).

4) What was the last thing you bought online, for what, and through which company?
I bought a midi cable. It functions to connect my digital piano to my audio software so I can record cool sounds for my music.

5) What’s your guilty pleasure click-bait reading?
For the longest time it was a satirical football blog called Kissing Suzy Kolber, a faction of UPROXX. My all-time favorite journalist, Drew Magary got his career start on this blog before it ended.

6) What’s the last song you played on your phone?
It’s a song called “Bound To Be That Way” by the post-rock outfit, Do Make Say Think. I use music to clear the fog each morning on the bus ride to work. It’s a blend of stimulating jazz and relaxing folk.

7) Who (alive or dead) would you most like to hear interviewed on a podcast?
I would love to hear Mozart describe his relationship to music and composing. I feel like we’re very culturally detached from what I would call “the original pop music.” He was an effing rockstar in his day.

8) What was the last show you binge-watched?
Admittedly, it was Game of Thrones. I tried to finish the book series before watching the show, but I was hearing too many spoilers to justify the effort. Now I’m all caught up and ready for a thrilling sixth season.

9) When are you most offline?
I’m most offline when I’m rehearsing with the band. Performing music is the most visceral experience I can think of; it’s impossible to be anywhere but in-the-moment.

10) Finally, the toughest question of all: Pick a .gif that best reflects your personality!

Know someone who would be a good fit for “the Ten”? Send us your lead at Thanks!

