HR Role Goes Tech-Enabled — See What’s Trending Now?

TeemWurk Inc
Published in
3 min readMar 23, 2015


There has been a continuous advancement in the technologies over the last decade. Along with other areas, HR role is also vastly influenced by this change. If applied correctly, new technologies and advancements in HRIS applications will definitely prove to very helpful for HR professionals.

Continuing to this thought, here are some trends that HRM is following or will follow in upcoming future that might change the entire idea of Human Resource Management.

Innovating employee engagement & talent retention techniques

As 2015 commences and takes its pace, there has been a noticeable and complex transformation in Employee Engagement trend. Shifting workforces and new challenges faced by the organizations made them look for contemporary changes in engaging the employees.

A recent study concedes that U.S. workforce will comprise of Millennials rather than baby boomers as their largest generation, maximum being on management positions. Statistics collected by U.S. Bureau of Labor also reveals that every fifth American employee is above 65 years of age in 2015.

This complies that there is a vast distinctness in the current workforce and each employee needs to be treated differently when it comes with employee engagement. From work-life balance to health care benefits, each category of employee has their own priorities. Moreover, employees today don’t just settle for salary; they expect additional benefits and job security from the employer.

This eventually forces the organizations to take up a challenge of attracting, retaining and motivating all class of employees, while keeping their respective needs in mind. Such kind of estimation and management is effectively possible by making use of a HR management tool designed specifically to achieve the above said purpose.

Mobile dependency on HR role

Mobile along with Smartphone technology has taken up a lot of boom in the role of HR personnel as it eases out many routine tasks. Employees are highly dependent on the lighter apps rather than going for software available for desktops. Today, workers need every data handy as the work culture has changed from just sitting in front of a workstation to travelling to a client location, working remotely either from home or from a different city or a country.

As per a study conducted by Gartner, it has been predicted that Smartphone sales will outdo computer and desktop sales in the near future. Furthermore, Mobile Marketer survey shows that young generation always stick to their mobiles, sending around 180 messages on an average. So, it is clearly evident that to what extent employees or any other person uses mobile in their day-to-day life. By providing benefits system on Smartphone will allow employees to be informed and access their data like remaining leaves and health care benefits in just one touch or click.

Going paper-less through Big Data

The idea of maintaining all employee information and other organizational data in registers is almost fossilized. Now monotonous paperwork is not at all entertained as data has to be analyzed on a large and regular basis.

Consider this for an example — In order to identify an employee’s talents and weaknesses, it is required that his performance is evaluated. If everyday’s work and working hours is documented properly using a HRMS tool then it will be easy to identify the problem areas and grab an analysis report. This will help in maintaining company goals and finishing the projects in predefined time limits.

Having that said, TeemWurk proves to the best option an employer can get to manage HR activities without any technical glitches. The tool is specifically developed with all the mandatory features an HRM application should have. But now, the only concern remains that how much time it will take for 100% of the companies to adopt a HRMS tool so that employee benefits and organizational goals can coexist freely.



TeemWurk Inc

Accomplish — A Modern, Unified HCM Platform with HR, Payroll, Benefits and Compliance Tools.