Rapid Ideation

Tehreem Fazal Qureshi
4 min readJun 16, 2022


Looking for new and innovative ways to draw in more ideas that help break the normalcy? We know you must be tired of those old ideas and need new brainstorming sessions that can bring in new and fruitful ideas. If so, Rapid Ideation is the way to go. Not sure what that means; keep reading as we are going to take you through it quickly and straightforwardly.

What Is Rapid Ideation?

Conventional new product design methods seem to be slow as well as frequently discard promising concepts. The rigorous “rapid ideation” approach makes use of multidisciplinary teams, including model building. It aims to produce, assess, and develop a wide range of diverse choices in such a brief span of time.

The approach improves efficiency, reliability, and affordability and enhances cross-functional collaboration. Additionally, it helps to refine technology comprehension and creates an immediate connection with customers. Ideas may spread rapidly, mainly when participants are brought up to brainstorm fast and without the stress of being judged. Rapid ideation harnesses the potential of teams to generate numerous fresh ideas as well as solutions, we can review quickly of which.

We often refer to the third step of the design process as idea creation. Ideation seems to be the technique that generates workable solutions. It primarily does so using activities including doodling, modeling, coming up with ideas, mind mapping, lamest specific objective, as well as a variety of certain other brainstorming approaches. Even though countless individuals successfully participated in “brainstorming” sessions, it is difficult to lead an actual valuable brainstorming event if the technique is incorrect.

Ideation is frequently the most thrilling step throughout a design thinking initiative since the goal is to produce a considerable amount of suggestions which the staff then can sieve as well as scale back further into the finest, utmost pragmatic, or even most original concepts to drive different and improved design products and services.

The Process of Ideation

Invest ten minutes and explore the intended audience prior to requesting attendees to offer their respective proposals. Immediately define the public’s dilemma, issues, or potential solutions for the organization to answer. What exactly are your targeted market’s needs? What else do these folks desire? What would they require from you?

Put this up wherever everyone in the group would see it. Role-play quickly as a team to place oneself in their place. Afterward, begin with tackling the facts on the ground. Secondly, take up to twenty minutes to analyze the venture’s objectives. What are all the financial and timing constraints for your venture? How are these characteristics likely to change? Consider best and worst-case possibilities to provide a context for your debate.

Allow every participant of the team ten minutes so they can jot down their thoughts on distinct colored sticky notes. After the group’s concepts have been depleted, everyone from the team must post their sticky notes on the dedicated board on which all the concepts are displayed. Therefore, everybody in the group must actually take part and motivate people to scribble or draw their ideas to assist them in communicating their arguments and ideas.

Take the very next twenty minutes, giving every staff member a summary of their thoughts. Then proceed with leveraging the next forty minutes in brainstorming ideas and concepts that satisfy the requirements of your venture. Take up to twenty minutes again and start evaluating the concepts and eliminating any that do not specifically address the topic. Screening seems to be the concluding phase of this procedure.

Afterward, sieve the finest ones through the listener’s perspective — how do your viewers react to the concept? And what are those advantages and disadvantages? Incorporate peer polling or propensity modeling to aid in summarizing and prioritizing ideas. Create a user stream to allude to it as needed.

Lastly, record the experience by taking pictures or videos of your quick ideation meeting. It will be a resource or even a framework that helps you get your thoughts concise as well as keep them oriented towards action.

Goal of Ideation

Ideation is known to be an excellent method for producing ideas, generating options and solutions, identifying catastrophic faults, and establishing new techniques. However, it is only as effective as the members of a team and its presenter. The wiser you are at choosing people, establishing the scene, and stimulating debate, the superior the results will be.

Conventional brainstorming sessions can seem underwhelming since there isn’t always a defined or standard method for doing creative thinking. The inherent group dynamics of individuals exacerbate this within the audience. As more concepts and approaches we develop, the further likely it is that our most impactful ones will reach the industry.

Employing ideation techniques optimally seems to have the capacity to significantly improve the number of solutions with which a group may take part throughout the theoretical stage of product design within the field. These crucial aspects have been the presentation of a team’s views and the means of communication among members of the group.

Defining Success

Maintaining a solid activity level inside the space seems to be the foremost important factor in just about any successful session of rapid ideation. Remember the hour of the day when you plan these. Early hours would be optimal as it is the time when the members are not excessively hungry, nor are they dealing with post-lunch laziness.

One can provide exciting add-ons such as snacks, music, etc. These will significantly enhance the overall mood and keep the members active throughout brainstorming sessions!



Tehreem Fazal Qureshi

Tehreem is a poetess, blogger and freelance writer from Pakistan. You can reach out to her at: https://www.instagram.com/tehreemfazal_/