— Infographics Released [October 2023] —The NPO organization Whole Earth Foundation (hereafter, WEF), which constructs, provides, and operates a citizen-participatory…Nov 8, 2023Nov 8, 2023
September Informatic (2023)The non-profit organization Whole Earth Foundation (WEF), which is dedicated to building, providing, and operating a…Oct 16, 2023Oct 16, 2023
August Informatic (2023)The Whole Earth Foundation (WEF), a non-profit organization responsible for building, providing, and operating a civic participation-based…Sep 25, 2023Sep 25, 2023
July Informatic (2023)NPO organization Whole Earth Foundation (hereinafter referred to as WEF) engages in the construction, provision, and operation of a civic…Aug 4, 2023Aug 4, 2023
June Informatic (2023)Citizen-led events are taking place across the country, and the rate at which infrastructure data is being collected is rapidly increasing.Jul 3, 2023Jul 3, 2023
May Informatic (2023)TEKKON, an app that protects cities from infrastructure crises, started joint efforts with Fujitsu and Tohoku Electric Power NetworkJun 7, 2023Jun 7, 2023
April Informatic (2023)Set as a pioneering example at the Harvard University Blockchain event and joint business with Tohoku Electric Power Network was…May 9, 2023May 9, 2023
March Informatic (2023)TEKKON, an app that protects cities from infrastructure crises, now has over 100,000 users!Apr 3, 2023Apr 3, 2023
February Informatic (2023) + “Infrastructure Hunting” EventsInfrastructure protection initiatives involving citizens and infrastructure hunting are growing!Mar 6, 2023Mar 6, 2023
TEKKON Informatic (Jan 2023)Activities to protect infrastructure by Citizens are expanding everyday!Feb 2, 2023Feb 2, 2023