Job Opportunity By Telicia Gathings

Telicia Gathings
1 min readApr 7, 2016


“I started off working on the third floor in Gillum Hall in the Communication Department working at the front desk. But when I went on maternity leave to have my baby, I wanted to find another job that paid more and get more experience in my major field. The day I gave birth a woman name Mary Kohl was in the delivery room when I had my baby. She knew I wanted to work in the Student Marketing Company in the commons but she told me that they paid less than when I worked on the third floor, so while I was in the hospital after giving birth she told me she had a great opportunity for me to work on the first floor in this office. Working at this job is a good way for experience considering I’m a Communication Major and want to do Marketing but good financial support for my family.”


