Blockchain Governance

Governance in the Telos Network

Short Review

Telos Feed
3 min readMar 20, 2020


Telos is a blockchain built around speed, scalability and immutability, optimized by a unique governance system.

Telos implements a governance model where token holders and block producers make the off-chain decisions while smart contracts execute the on-chain actions.

BPs are attributed other governance functions such as implementing additional governance rules and validating transactions through a Delegated Proof of Stake (DPOS) consensus algorithm. Additionally, Telos has an arbitration system that offers token holders a dispute resolution platform.

Block producers and arbitrators are selected by the token holders through an on-chain voting platform developed by Telos: The Trail Voting System.

All the governance features of Telos are specified within their governance documents:

With all these documents and features, implemented since Telos launched, the goal has been to establish a secure, stable, and governable blockchain where every token holder, developer, and business can trust.

“The Telos Blockchain is a decentralized, trustless system, where token holders have the power to come together, and change the direction of the chain and the way it operates. Some often refer to DPOS chains as an online democracy, although in practice it is more comparable to the shareholders of a public company” quote from the TBNOA

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