Telos Testnet

Telos Feed
4 min readSep 30, 2019


People associate a testnet with the initial developing of a blockchain where all the codes run, and we test everything before the final deployment of the protocol to the mainnet. Today, it is very common for a blockchain network to have at least one active testnet available for testing code updates, other functionalities, bug identification, new projects and program development, among many other uses.

Some known blockchains that have accessible testnets are Bitcoin, Ethereum, Cardano, EOS and Telos. Still, the Telos testnets have one prominent advantage over the other testnets: it is a duplicate of the mainnet so it includes all its smart contracts and functionalities in the testnets. Because of this, developers and BPs obtain complete, accurate results when they run their tests, while reducing the work they have to do before running them. If the smart contracts and other functionalities weren’t loaded on the testnets, the developers would have to install them to get valuable results. Telos has two separate testnets available: the private and the public testnet. They are both maintained by the whole of Telos’ BPs, since they established it as a minimum requirement, so every BP provides two nodes for the testnets. Any BP can operate a private stagenet for other tests and rehearsals.

Telos Blockchain Network mainnet and testnet

The Telos Testnets are a sandbox for testing new implemented features, finding bugs within the network and developing DApps. It is designed to be as close to the code/features of the Telos Mainnet, with exception to any new innovations being tested in preparation for deployment on Mainnet.

  • Private testnet: it is used by the BPs for different code releases, updates, or new software live testing.
  • Public testnet: it is used by developers to test their codes and software before deploying to the mainnet.

The latest news with the testnet was the launch of Basho Testnet on September 6, 2019. Also known as TestnetV2, this new network became of need when the TestnetV1, or Aristotle Testnet, had to be taken down due to an issue with the producers table. This unique network proved how a testnet aids in upgrades to the mainnet during the rehearsal of the EOSIO V1.8 upgrade that became live in the mainnet on September 26, 2019. All the process was first rehearsed and perfected on the new Basho testnet to ensure proper operation of the mainnet, and everything running in it, when the boost was made.

Telos Basho Testnet Activation

In Telos, when a new upgrade or anything different will be tested before launch, they follow a 4-tier test strategy, as it allows “to properly test/vet things at each respective level, and as it progresses through the tiers, additional testing/testers stress-test the system until its final deployment to the Telos Mainnet.” The stages are:

  • Internal Dev Testing: closed-loop testing of all code changes before presenting to any public tier.
  • Stagenet Testing: initial selected access, testing ran dedicated nodes.
  • Testnet Testing: this is where most public testing of features will occur before completing deployment to Mainnet. Code changes/activation at this level require 15/21 approval of the Testnet BPs.
  • Mainnet Deployment: once all testing has been completed, a deployment date agreed upon, a 15/21 BP approval is needed to activate all code changes/features on the Mainnet.
Telos 4-Tier Testing Strategy

Official testnets and testing stages are available to ensure the security and continuity of the mainnet, as everything gets tested and coordinated beforehand. These tools add value to Telos and encourages developers with their process, which at the end benefits them reducing costs since they can test their programs before deploying on the mainnet. Stay up to date with the performance and all what is going on with the testnets at the Testnet Channel on telegram or at the monitors.

