How to Sell on TemplateMonster — Become an Author

6 min readSep 23, 2020


Are you a developer? Maybe you create fantastic designs? Have you ever thought that you could sell your products like website themes? If you don’t know yet where to sell website templates, here we go. Your desired wish can come true right away! Find out in this article how to sell on TemplateMonster. Make money on your skills and talents.

What Is TemplateMonster Marketplace?

TemplateMonster Marketplace.

TemplateMonster is a digital marketplace where you can buy and sell everything for creating a website or any other web project. We’ve got more than 50,000 website templates, plugins, and graphics for any taste. On our website, you can find free stuff for startups, and premium products of pretty high quality for big businesses. We’ve got about 5,000,000 buyers, and this number is always increasing. We don’t just sell digital goods with firm seriousness. We are a friendly community that can supply you with useful information, current news from the digital world on our Blog.

Products You Can Sell on TemplateMonster

Sell on TemplateMonster.

On the TemplateMonster marketplace, you can sell any products for any web project from website templates to graphics:

Website Templates: sell website templates like WordPress store, HTML, E-Commerce, or CMS themes;

Presentations: you can also sell here different kinds of presentations like PowerPoint, Keynote, Google Slides, etc.;

Graphics: sell graphic templates like fascinating illustrations, cool fonts and icon fonts, great icon sets, beautiful patterns, exciting backgrounds, different product mockups, and so much more;

Plugins: sell on TemplateMonster lots of WordPress plugins, PrestaShop Modules, JavaScript, and Magento Extensions;

Video: this offer is a fresh one! Recently we started to sell video templates. You can sell here After Effects, Premiere Pro, Final Cut Pro, Motion Graphics video templates. You can also sell some stock videos for different projects;

Audio: this offer is also a new one. Sell stock music if you can create great tracks.

As you can see, you can sell not only website templates on TemplateMonster, but also presentations, graphics, plugins, videos, and music.

How to Become an Author?

Become an Author.

An author on the TemplateMonster marketplace is the one who sells templates here. We work with more than 1,600 authors, and this number is instantly growing. If you don’t know yet how to sell website templates, you are on the right path and very welcome. Become an Author and sell your goods. To be an author, just follow the steps below:

  • create your User Account on TemplateMonster, and of course, verify it. You can make it with the help of your Facebook account or e-mail;
  • click on “Become an author” on the account;
  • come up with the Name that will be present with your future items on the website;
  • voila! You’re an author.

All you have to do after is to upload your goodies. We will check them and tell you about the approval. Then you can earn money by selling different website templates, graphics, etc. Once you become an author, you might have various questions concerning selling on TemplateMonster. Don’t hesitate and use our MonsterHelp and ask them.

How to Sell Website Templates on TemplateMonster

If you are an author on TemplateMonster, you can begin to sell website templates online. Do the following steps for it:

Prepare the Product

On your personal Author Account, click on the Products, Upload New Product.

Prepare the Product.

Select a Category

Select a Category.

Choose a category for your product. For example, WordPress, HTML, etc. Be careful because you won’t be able to undo the category after this step.

Choose the name

Choose the name.

Add the product name and meta description for the product. Use only unique names. A meta description helps search engines to notice your product. Add a meta title.


Add Live Demo to give buyers the possibility to try the website template in action. Choose the topic.

Write a description

Write a description.

The description should be unique and written in proper English language. Don’t use the same version you use for other marketplaces. Use keywords. The recommended length is 512 characters. Of course, you can write more. Add also tags.

Choose a topic

Choose a topic.

Pick a topic for your website template. We have lots of from which you can choose.

Upload the item

Upload the item.

Upload the product. It should be ZIP-files only.

Add images

Add images.

Add the main image. This one will be present among other products, as the main picture.

Add the main image.

You can add more pictures, so your potential buyers can see the product more clearly from different angles.

Add details

Add details.

Add other details if needed, like additional features, coding, animation, features, support. Help is essential for customers, so if you can give them support, they trust you more.

Set the price

Set the price.

Set the amount of money for the template. If you don’t know what price to set, check similar products on TemplateMonster, and set a similar one. If you sell website templates only on our marketplace as an exclusive one, you will get more revenue with every sale.

Upload the item

Upload the item.

Add a comment if needed and click the “Upload” button.

Voila! Now we will check out your product and notify you about accepting it. Now you know how to sell website templates. TemplateMonster is one of the best marketplaces right now, where you can sell website themes.

Why Choose TemplateMonster to Sell Website Templates?

Choose TemplateMonster.

We are the community that works with and for talented developers and creative designers. Join us and sell website templates with us. Here are the major reasons.

Sell on TemplateMonster and Get Passive Income

Make money on your skills selling website templates with us.

Excellent Portfolio and Skill Growth

Develop your skills and always learn something new about the digital world and templates with us.

Personal Attention and Author Support

We can give you help and answer any questions concerning selling the website templates.


So, you already know what TemplateMonster marketplace is, what types and categories of products you can sell there. You also know how to be an author there and how to sell website templates.




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