TikTok, the Coronavirus 2.0

Terence Dumartin
3 min readJan 29, 2020


Okay, Boomer…

If you still haven’t heard about TikTok… I invite you to stop liking entrepreneurial motivational posts on your feed and start taking an interest in what’s really going on in the world… no really, right now you’ve got the Coronavirus and TikTok to know… sure, you’re going to tell me there’s no connection between the two… but both come from China, and both are viruses…

Well, there is one… because some brain-dead people have eaten a delicious bat soup without even preparing it, which is in danger of decimating the world population like an episode of Walking Dead. And the other, because one man’s genius makes you completely addicted to its use, with a minimalist, ultra-optimized and completely bewitching design, plunging you into a semi-trance under the frantic scroll of your thumb.

To put it simply, TikTok is an application for creating and sharing short videos. The only information that can be used in this article is that it exists since 2016 and that they merged with Musical.ly at the end of 2018.

You can think what you want, but the name TikTok has been finely tuned to caress your subconscious mind and take over your precious time.
TikTok Tic Toc, just by saying it slowly, a gentle pendulum-like image of a pseudo-hypnotist trying to control your brain comes directly to your mind. Time is passing by like the hands of a Wish watch bought at a dropshipping shop and promoted by a pseudo YouTuber who can’t even spell his first name correctly.

Tic Toc Tic Toc, the videos scroll by, your thumb scrolls, your brain has just disconnected, you enter hypnosis little by little and before you know it, you’ve just spent several hours watching videos of 15 seconds on average while letting onomatopoeia like an infant passing by as the only sound from your mouth…

Yes, the UX of the application is designed to give full power to your thumb… the buttons are placed in the shape of an inverted L which allows you to interact with the application without even moving your hand. And that’s one more lever in your trance, your brain doesn’t need to think anymore, it only has to scroll.

@jujufitcats — TikTok

This application, an evil work of art, offers anyone its ephemeral dose of fame, boosting your dopamine and getting you hooked on its use.
What a wonderful creation!

TikTok is probably one of the most addictive applications of the 21st century, and in recent days the launch of Bytes (a new application similar to TikTok created by the founder of Vines) is unlikely to dethrone the ByteDance group application.

On those, I’m going to do a little dance with my fingers on a sweet bewitching melody of 15 seconds!

Well, ciao BOOMER !

Because we live in an era where the second degree is not understood by an asocial caste and I don’t want to end up as a hashtag #ImNotTerence or #ImNotSecondDegrees that I prefer to put it in the form of a disclaimer, this is second degree and if you didn’t understand it… too bad for you!

#TikTok #Coronavirus #Boomer #Bytes



Terence Dumartin

Huge believer in making something even if it fail than regretting doing nothing.