Home Tour — Stream concerts and support artists

Terence Huijgen
2 min readApr 19, 2020
Stream your favorite concerts and support your artists

It all began with a little tweet from a famous online and tv media presenter, Tim Hofman.

Tim Hofman said: Now needed: An app/platform where I can buy tickets for concerts/shows and receive a live stream link to watch the concert.

Only 24 hours later, I’ve published a first preview of the platform.

Tim Hofman was excited and retweeted that he likes the platform. 🎉 This is so awesome!

We even got media coverage by a big radio channel — 3FM.

3FM — Sander Hoogendoorn talks about Home Tour

The idea is very simple

The platform works in three simple steps:

  1. Search for concerts of your favorite artists on the platform.
  2. Buy tickets for the concert.
  3. Receive a live stream link that you can watch when the artist is recording the live stream!

It enables artists to get an income, especially when they can’t give shows in this lock-down period.

There are three screens I like to show you:

Now what / timeline?

At this moment, it’s just a prototype / early concept. We are working ASAP to launch the first platform in the next weeks. We are in contact with several artists to launch their first live stream on the Home Tour platform.

Meanwhile, you can subscribe here to stay updated and receive the first access to the Home Tour platform 👇

👉 www.hometour.events 👈

