Balancing your own well-being with the demands of guiding others

Teresa Brazen
2 min readApr 11, 2024


Leaders, how often do you check in with your most critical asset — yourself? Amidst the demands of leadership, it’s easy to overlook the signals our bodies send us, until they’re too loud to ignore. Let’s talk about reconnecting with those signals before it’s too late.

💭How often during the work day do you think:

I don’t have time to get water.

I’m exhausted but can’t take a nap.

Gotta push through lunch.

No time for a bathroom break.

Have to skip the gym to get this done.

My hips ache from sitting so long.

The screen is killing my eyes.

Every time you do not tend to your body’s alerts you deepen the habit of ignoring those signals. Over time, those signals become background and then disappear from your awareness all-together.

What this means:

🧠 You are training your brain to ignore your body.

💔 You are losing connection with emotions, intuition, and insights — things that aid you in decision-making, innovation, and more.

📉 You are not reaching your potential. An exhausted leader simply can’t show up in the same way as an energized one.

🚑 Most importantly, you risk your health.

I personally know more executives than I’d like who have serious chronic health issues today because they were overworked, overstressed, and lost touch with their body’s alert systems until it was too late.

I know navigating self-care in demanding work environments is a challenge, but it’s crucial to prioritize it. Collaborate with your leadership team to set boundaries and practices that promote self-care, making it a collective effort. This approach not only makes self-care more achievable but also helps embed these vital habits within your team’s culture, leading to lasting change. 🌱

🌟 True leadership begins with self-mastery, which includes balancing your own well-being with the demands of guiding others. Start small, make self-care non-negotiable, and watch how it transforms not just your performance but your entire team’s.

👥 If you’re ready to cultivate a culture of wellness and presence within your leadership team, let’s talk. Together, we can craft a strategy that prioritizes well-being at the heart of leadership. Reach out to explore how my coaching can support you and your team in making these essential changes.

PS: For a great, short meditation focused on helping you get back into your body, google “Breathing Into The Body” by Integrated Tantra On Insight Timer.



Teresa Brazen

I help good people become great leaders. Executive + Leadership Coach. Host of The Inspirational Leaders Series. More at