I need to Thank you all…

I really, really do.

1 min readNov 17, 2016
Not just one… TWO of my stories… in the same week… Holy Kaboley!

I used to spend my days in silence. As a child, I rarely spoke because I didn’t want to draw attention to myself. To draw attention in my world was to invite pain. To draw attention in my world was to invite mockery.

But? Here..? On Medium. I am not silent. And I’m garnering attention. And it’s scary as fuck, but, I’m pushing myself to deal.

And..? You guys? This place…? The community I’ve found here has helped like nothing ever has…!

So, Thank you Medium peeps. You’re helping me learn and grow, because you have been overwhelmingly welcoming, accepting, and loving of my words and my voice.

I cannot tell you how much that means to me.

Thank you also, for teaching me that it’s ok to get attention from the right people.

Thank you.




Tread carefully. Waking the Red-head is still not a good idea…💋