I Think I’ve Been Triggered

And I don’t have a clue what to do

2 min readFeb 13, 2017
Ocean, Bill Phelps

I don’t have a safe place.

Nowhere to go
Nowhere to hide.

To be safe.
To be whole.
To be me once again.

I am frightened beyond belief
I am not whole
I am not safe.

I’m in the company of strangers
who don’t believe in me.
I am alone.
And dangerously in need
of arms to surround me.

I am not used to this feeling, it’s foreign to me.
I’m used to MY spine
The one that I grew
The one that I knew
The one that never needed
Anyone’s help
Or strength
or steel…

I don’t have it now.
And it’s too strange, this feeling.

Almost feel like I’m floating.
This is…
weird for me.

I know I’ve been triggered.
I understand that now
I know I don’t feel safe.
I know I’m remembering a day
long ago
when I wasn’t in that place.

I know I need to get back to today
Where I am ok
Where I am in a safe place
Where he cannot reach me
Where he has NO space

But I can’t seem to do it.
I’m all over the place.
How do I stop this
How do I do it?

I feel lost and alone
And I know that’s not true
But, where do I go now?

Whose words are true?




Tread carefully. Waking the Red-head is still not a good idea…💋