The Wake Up Call Editors — Part II

Can I have a moment of your time and attention?

3 min readMay 1, 2018

For those who don’t know..? After I discovered the disappearance of TWUC from my publications listing, and my subsequent questioning, bossy interfering actions on TWUC?

I was summarily dismissed, demoted from “Editor” to “Following” with nary a word. No discussion, no attempt at understanding why I did what I did. Just a removal of me and my potential words. Again.

This has happened before, and I’m sorry, but, I’m now under the impression that Kevin is simply not stable when it comes to running a publication on his own. This is, in fact, why he closed the doors to the original “Wake Up Call” with no word to any of his writers, over a year ago. He stated that he’d had anxiety issues, depression and felt overwhelmed. He just wanted to write.

I can understand all of that, and even though I strongly felt that a simple word out to the community he’d built was the proper road to travel? I was willing to give him another chance, chalk it up to a mistake for which he had apologized, give him the benefit of the doubt and move forward.

I have enjoyed his new version of TWUC. It was delightful to read the satire of Robert Cormack, the sublime poetry of SouthPawPoet and my dear online friend in DHBogucki., the incredible stories of the likes of Kay Bolden, and the myriad other stories and poems self-published there. And all published on their own timetable.

After the events of today? I am no longer certain that these amazingly talented people will continue to have a home for their work. And that makes me incredibly sad.

These talented writers and some other folks perhaps didn’t feel they had anywhere else to post their stuff, and now that things are becoming more and more unstable over at TWUC, I am afraid that this will be the situation once again. I don’t like that.

Therefore, I am opening the doors to both Intimately Intricate and Other Voices to see what you can bring. Relationships stuff? Anything that talks about relationships? That belongs in Intimately Intricate. Only established in early December 2017, it’s a small pub still with not quite five hundred followers. But? We’re growing everyday.

Other Voices is much larger, with about five thousand followers, and is the place to send other stuff that you’re uncertain where it should go.

Both publications are places I am proud to write, edit and house some of the most beautiful pieces about most everything. And while they are by far not your only options, as an editor of both publications, (which means I will read your submissions and offer typo corrections and tell you if I think something is off. Beyond that? It’s yours to do with as you wish.) both currently publish as stories arrive. There is no schedule. Send it, and it will be published, usually within the hour of submission to the publication. Unless? I’m sleeping. Depending on volume, that will continue, until it becomes untenable. Then we’ll talk about it, and I may ask for help, so that pattern can continue. It’s almost the same as publishing it yourself, so, I hope you will consider yourself welcome. The door is open to any and all. Just let me know if you wish to be added as a writer to either publication by responding to this post.

Again, I’m not saying you don’t have other options. But? If you’d like? You can know that now you have two more.

You are welcome. And? I will never abandon any of you. (Well, unless I die, or something, but, by then we should have replacements ready and waiting, right? Right.)

Peace out y’all. 💋




Tread carefully. Waking the Red-head is still not a good idea…💋