2 min readDec 2, 2017


When we five girls were growing up, in a household comprised of children raising children? Sex was a definitive NON-SUBJECT. We got a set of books to explain it. I thought they were hysterically funny… Actually? I still do.

When my older sister started menstruating? She hid all of her “feminine hygiene products”… out of SHAME.

I balked.

I refused. She wore the pads she was given.

I bought tampons. OOOOOH!!! How CAN you do that???

Oh, Please! Spare me.

I have taught my daughter that if she’s having her cycle, then she needs feel no shame. Take out the tampon from your purse and walk to the restroom to change it when you need to. I will NOT conform to that bit of bullshit, requiring me to take my purse into the bathroom with me… Uh... It’s heavy and I don’t feel well, and… NO. WHY???

We are adults. We are human. Females menstruate, SuhPRIZE!! Oh, and for a reason!! Get over yourselves ya damned prudes! Pads, Tampons and whatever else (what else is needed? A daily shower? WHAT?) are on display right next to the toilet, in plain sight. There is NOTHING to be embarrassed about. I will NOT abide my sister’s custom of hiding them in the cabinet… How fucking ANNOYING!! And… WHAT FOR?? Like? No adult knows that any female with “normal” working anatomy, who happens to be over a certain age is LIKELY to be shedding endometrial tissue, once every 28 days or so? Seriously??

Oh, please…! PLEASE! Grow the FUCK UP!!

I have zero experience raising a boy, but, you can imagine what I’d be doing... Losing control of your body is one thing. Having ZERO control of your uterus is quite another. And I get the difference… So? They need to deal with it… And not in their socks that Mama washes!

I’m just sayin’… Far as I know? Wet dreams are about being too full, yes? Correct me if I’m mis-remembering here. Again? ZERO experience raising boys..! I dunno! Could be totally talking outta my butt… But? If I HAD a boy? You know I’da learned by now how to explain it to him so he could deal with it…


YO! Adult MALE I trust, in the nearest familial (blood or not!) and DECENCY vacinity! Explain this to him... Or I will..!

Hmmm… Maybe I will too…




Tread carefully. Waking the Red-head is still not a good idea…💋