Oasi Foundation X Terminet AMA- Staking +Privacy Computation — How infrastructure parties can better build Web 3.0

8 min readMay 24, 2022


On May 14, 2022, the official ambassador of Oasis Chinese(Benson), and the head of Terminet operations(Vane), will talk about how infrastructure parties can better build Web3.0 from the perspective of #Privacycomputation and #Staking, and what new sparks will come from the cooperation between Terminet and Oasis?

Topic: How should blockchain infrastructure ensure node security under the wave of Web3?



The following is the content of this AMA:


Hello, everyone, this is Benson.

This time we are lucky to have Vane, the Head of Operations of Terminet node provider, to introduce Terminet to us.


Hi everyone, I’m Vane, thanks to Benson , for giving us such a great opportunity.


Let’s continue with the first question

1. Can you briefly introduce yourself and Terminet?


Terminet is a blockchain startup team with core members having backgrounds of global famous teams, who have been working deeply in the industry for many years, mainly providing Staking, Node API services, and MPC-based key security management solutions to help Web3 ecosystem development.

This is the official website of our team: http://terminet.io/ ,Welcome to follow us, there will be all kinds of benefits to followers from time to time.

This Giveaways event participation link — https://6dz470.axshare.com/

Currently Terminet deploys Oasis, PlatON, Cosmos, IrisNet, Stafi, SSV, ETH2.0 beacon chain nodes, the core feature of the team is to provide universal and customizable key security hosting solutions,Node API services to meet the needs of various enterprises and mining pool users.

Because it is also based on the cryptographic substrate, we pay extra attention to the development of Oasis, PlatON, Mina and other networks, among which Oasis is a privacy public chain that we think has great potential. We will develop relevant ecological products and digital tools on the Oasis chain to make positive contributions to the ecological development.


2. What are the responsibilities of nodes in a blockchain network?


First of all, the core responsibility of nodes is to maintain the security and stability of the whole network. Terminet has accumulated a lot of experience in this area, including 7*24-hour operation and maintenance monitoring, automatic start/stop of nodes, disaster recovery plans and high availability, etc.

In addition, for most ordinary users, participating in Staking is a high threshold thing. By building a Staking dashboard for users, we provide them with a high experience of Staking service support.

Finally, Terminet, as a part of Oasis ecosystem, we will continue to support and participate in the development of Oasis network, such as: participating in Oasis network publicity and promotion, expanding Oasis brand influence and awareness, participating in the construction and maintenance of Oasis official or third-party communities, providing timely and effective community support, actively participating in protocol proposal submission, discussion, and assisting in We help Oasis to build quality content and other community support work.


3. Has Terminet deployed its own nodes on those chains in the past? .


Currently Terminet deploys Oasis, PlatON, Cosmos, IrisNet, Stafi, SSV, ETH2.0 beacon chain nodes.

Among them, in Oasis, PlatON, IrisNet are all validators to participate in consensus and block out, welcome to delegate to Terminet.


4. What are the new operational strategies and advantages of Terminet, as a newly deployed validator on Oasis, compared to other deployed nodes? .


As mentioned earlier, the core responsibility of nodes is to maintain the security and stability of the entire network. Terminet has accumulated a lot of experience in this area, including 7*24-hour operation and maintenance monitoring, automatic node start/stop, disaster recovery plans and high availability, etc. Therefore, delegating to Terminet can guarantee safe and stable access to delegated yield.

Secondly, node types are mainly divided into three categories, professional mining pool nodes, investor nodes and community nodes. Due to the current mechanism of unstake(Oasis takes 14 days to unstake, other chains may take longer, and there is no reward during this period), many old nodes are not too willing to participate in the ecosystem construction and development of the community after acquiring the delegated amount. Terminet sees the opportunity in this area and hopes to break the situation of “choppy” node delegation to form a healthy competition, which is believed to be one of the boosts to the public chain, community users and ecosystem development.

In addition, as a startup team, Terminet will not be limited to providing verified node services, but will focus more on technology, and we will provide ecosystem tools and products for Oasis as an developer to help the ecosystem of Oasis prosper.


5. We found that many of the nodes currently deployed by Terminet belong to projects in the privacy space, can you tell us Terminet’s view on the privacy track and why it is laying out the privacy space?


When it comes to privacy, Privacy right is a long-standing topic. At its inception and ideally, blockchain is “anonymous” and users are identified by a string of alphanumeric characters known as the public key.

But the reality is that as applications become more widespread and standardized, the need for security is much greater than the need for privacy at this stage. The privacy characteristics of cryptocurrencies are disintegrating as various on-chain analytics tools emerge, but privacy has always been a fundamental requirement to protect users and expand the use of cryptocurrencies, and is considered one of the key directions of Web 3.0.

The tussle in the privacy space has become increasingly intense since the second half of 2021, with the birth of many projects focusing on privacy at both protocol and application levels, some of which try to protect data privacy (blockchain hybrid architecture) using Trusted Execution Environment (TEE), multi-party secure computing, etc., such as identity information, medical information. Some projects focus on using solutions such as ZKP (Zero Proof of Knowledge data) to protect asset privacy, e.g. number of coins, types, etc.

Since 2021, at least dozens of blockchain networks focusing on privacy transactions have emerged and received support from mainstream investment institutions such as a16z and Sequoia Capital, making them one of the most bullish tracks in the capital market.

The more well-known blockchain privacy computing networks currently include Oasis Network, PlatON, Phala Network, ARPA, Aleph Zero, Findora and Deeper Network.

Privacy transaction networks include Layer1 privacy protocols and Layer2 privacy protocols, with the former including Aleo, Nym, Secret Network, Iron Fish, Anoma Network, Manta Network, Penumbra, HOPR, Penumbra, Concordium Evanesco, Espresso Systems, the latter including Aztec Network, Zecrey, Suterusu, etc..

In the past few years, the market has repeatedly rumored that the Web3 privacy track will explode, but at present, the privacy track is still not big, the user volume and usage are not high, and many people even think privacy is a pseudo proposition.

We believe that privacy solutions are of great significance for B-side users to participate in blockchain networks to ensure that important financial data and trade secrets are not leaked, and therefore are also important infrastructure for Crypto ecology to usher in the next wave of explosion.

We see a growth opportunity for web3 in the next 5–10 years, and there are still few participants at this stage, unlike ETH2.0 which has a large number of committers. For this reason Terminet is developing and iterating MPC-based key security management solutions to provide systematic support for B-end users to participate in the blockchain network.


6. What are the future plans for Terminet to support the Oasis ecosystem?


As the ranking and yield of validators stabilize, we will play our strengths to build Oasis ecosystem in data services (node api/rpc), domain name system, node data map, NFT wallet, key escrow, etc. We will also fully adopt the opinions and suggestions of community users to expand and improve what we can do.


7. It is said that Terminet has now launched a new stake program for $ROSE holders, what is the content of the program?


Currently, we are Oasis validators. In order to stabilize the validators and pave the way for subsequent tool/product development and eco-building, we have developed a delegation incentive program as follows.

Incentive 1: Rose Staking Incentive, after successfully delegating to Terminet successfully, an additional 30 days of yield will be provided back to the Delegators address

For example: User A delegated 100,000 Rose to Terminet, according to the annualized return of 14% to estimate the delegated return of 14,000 Rose, Terminet provides an additional 30 days of delegated incentive of 14,000 * [30/365] = 1150 Rose reward, the actual Staking return of User A is 15,150 Rose.

Incentive 2: Terminet will provide 2 months of node commission-free service from now on, and the node service fee will be fully refunded to the delegator.

Among them, Incentive 1 will be paid out in the third month after the user’s successful delegation Thank you all!


8. Last I heard Terminet is offering a small gift to our community members for this AMA today, how do I participate?


We offer Giveaway for Oasis community partners, you can click this link https://sweepwidget.com/view/56648-ox02bz6f to get it after participating in the task, there will be 20 partners who can get this small gift, welcome to participate.


Thank you vane, and thank you very much Terminet for being able to come to the official Oasis Discord Chinese community today. Finally Terminet has some more words to say to the Oasis Chinese community partners.


Thanks Benson, and to borrow a phrase from the Oasis Chinese community — “This week’s turmoil has been painful for all of us. But we need to remember one crucial point: Web 3.0 and blockchain technology is not just about transactions, revenue and market volatility — it is technology that can truly change the world and benefit society as a whole.


Thank you very much Terminet, I believe you will continue to work on Oasis in the future, and I hope you will have very good development in the future. If you are interested, you can also delegate $ROSE to Terminet node and support them to continue their efforts!

About Oasis Network

Oasis Network is a layer 1 blockchain that promotes data privacy and user confidentiality. Thanks to its high throughput and secure design, the Oasis Network intends to power scalable solutions on DeFi and data privacy.

About Terminet

Terminet is a professional Staking and ecosystem service provider. The core team consists of experienced developers, product and operations experts and blockchain enthusiasts with more than 5 years of experience in the blockchain industry.

Terminet is dedicated to helping investors and ordinary Token holders earn profits from digital assets. Build a reliable, secure and easy-to-use web3 infrastructure service layer to lower web3 connecting barriers and web3 application development thresholds, powering web3 development

