12 Ways to Show Your Terms to Users

5 min readNov 20, 2017


There are a number of ways that you can show your website/mobile app Terms to users, whether you’re trying to display your Privacy Policy or get your users to agree to your Terms and Conditions or End User License Agreement (EULA).

Legally, your Terms need to be easily accessible and noticeable so people can find them and read them. Beyond that, there’s room to get creative.

Here are 12 effective ways to show your Terms to your users.

1. Footer links

This is the most common placement for legal agreement links. It’s a sleek and streamlined way to present them. It’s easy to locate, and users know to look here since so many businesses take this approach.

2. Link lists

It’s also common to see Terms links within link lists, usually at the bottom of web pages.

While this placement makes the links stand out slightly less than placing them in your footer and separate from all of the other links, it’s still a good way to go and users know to look here.

3. Header links

Putting your Terms links in your header will definitely make them noticeable and is a good option. However, it may not work with your website’s aesthetic and is less commonly seen than footer links.

4. Settings/About menu links

This is common for mobile apps, since you don’t have an actual header and footer to work with. Instead, you probably have a menu.

Organize your Terms links somewhere where users will know to look, such as in a Settings menu under a Legal/Privacy/Terms section.

In an “About” section is another common way to link Terms in apps.

5.Links in sign-up window

When users sign up for an account with your website, provide them with links to your Terms near the sign-up section.

You’ll likely be requesting they agree to your Terms, so add links to this language.

You can also do this on your mobile app to show your Terms and get users to accept them.

6. Links in log-in window

You can make your Terms links accessible from the log-in window. This lets users easily access them, and also reminds them that the links are there every time they log in.

This works well with mobile apps.

7. Links near checkout/order area

If you sell anything, you can include links to your Terms near the checkout area. This lets users access them to see the terms of their order and know what they’re agreeing to.

8. Links near forms

If you have forms where you collect information from users, you can add a small link to your Privacy Policy or other relevant agreements near the form.

This shows you take privacy very seriously and your users will appreciate it.

9. Pop-up notifications

Some websites/apps use pop-up notifications to actively present their Terms to users and get them to agree with them.

This is a common way to present a Cookies Policy.

This method works well with mobile apps where users can see the notification and tap to agree.

10. Banners

You can add a banner to your website header or footer that provides a short notice to users that you have Terms. Add links to the full agreements so users can learn more.

This is a common way to present a Cookies Policy.

Banners can be added to a mobile app or mobile version of your website.

11. Scrolling text windows

You can include the full text of your agreement in a scrolling text box.

If you do this, remember to show more than just a few lines of your agreement in the visible portion of the box. Don’t make your box too small.

Make sure the text you show lets users know that they’re reading important terms.

This is a common way to present an EULA.

It’s also commonly seen with installations of apps.

This method works well on mobile apps where users can scroll on their mobile device screens to view the entire agreement.

12. Email footers

You can include links to your legal agreements in the footer of emails.

Users know to look here for important things like an unsubscribe method, business contact information and ways to manage their email subscription, so it’s an intuitive location for your Terms links.

You have a lot of options with how to show your Terms to your users.

The more noticeable and accessible your Terms agreements are, the better — both for legal compliance purposes and for user satisfaction.




Legal agreements for websites, ecommerce, mobile or desktop apps, SaaS apps. All kind of apps. https://termsfeed.com or @TermsFeed