Learn an in-demand skill at the Side Hustle Internship 7.0

Side Hustle announces registration for the seventh cohort of her internship program.

The Side Hustle Internship is a great platform to gain skills, knowledge, and experience in the field that you want to pursue. We provide training and an opportunity to practice what you are learning in real-time, which will help you to stand out in the job market.

The top in-demand skills available at the Side Hustle Internship are:

Graphic Design

Digital Marketing and Content Creation

Data Analytics

Product Management

Backend (PHP)

Product Design (UI/UX)

Customer Relationship Management

Frontend (HTML, CSS, JS)

Video Editing and Animation

Get started for free at https://lms.terrahq.co



Terra Learning, formerly Side Hustle Internship

Terra is an ed-tech company aimed at ensuring African youths learn & master an in-demand skill.