How To Make Memories You Love To Remember Later In Life

Terri Kozlowski
10 min readAug 29, 2023
When you consciously make memories, you build a reservoir of happy thoughts to look back on, which can help you feel fulfilled.

Time flies. That isn’t false, is it? But it moves so quickly and you don’t realize it. Instead, it feels as though you blink and years have passed. You’re about to embark on your adult journey after graduating from high school. Next, your own child will embark on the same path. A second blink will transform you into a great-grandmother who is suddenly recalling memories spanning many decades.

According to studies, humans prefer to remember the positive things more so than the negative. They refer to it as the “Fading Affect Bias.” In essence, your brain stores knowledge about pleasant life experiences while filtering out unfavorable information. Those happy memories later in life help you maintain a positive attitude toward life. You must concentrate on making memories now if you want them to last a lifetime.

Wouldn’t you rather take a protracted walk up the memory mountain than a little stroll down memory lane when you’re old and gray? Or, to put it another way, would you rather look back on hundreds of small happy memories than just a few significant ones? Moments are what you remember, not the days.

We all have our time machines. Some take us back. They’re called memories. Some take us forward. They’re called dreams. ~ Jeremy Irons

Wonderful Memories Last A…



Terri Kozlowski

I want to inspire others to transcend fear and their limiting beliefs. The host of the award-winning Soul Solutions Podcast.