1 min readJul 7, 2022

We are delighted to declare to the entire Community, our organization with Solid Proof to review the hippo inu savvy contract, the review report is connected after key security and appraisal on their authority GitHub index.

Smart Contract Audit

A smart agreement review is a broad purposeful assessment and investigation of a smart agreement’s code that is utilized to connect with cryptographic money or block chain. This cycle is directed to find blunders, issues, and security weaknesses in the code to recommend enhancements and ways of fixing them. By and large, savvy contract reviews are important, on the grounds that the vast majority of the agreements manage monetary resources as well as significant things.
Solid Proof survey whether there are conceivable security blunders in the $HIPPO contract, and on the off chance that there are any mistakes in the report of the agreement is join, they have portrayed in a report what issues basic, medium and generally safe, Solid proof outside review give an opportunity us to work on the security of ventures of the entire local area in the impending presale of hippo inu.