I Started a Newsletter 18 Months Ago That Now Earns $4000 per Month.

48.5k subs across 80 countries, and a savvy growth strategy

Tessa Rowan
5 min readFeb 19, 2024

Hello, everyone! Today, I’m trying something a little different.

Instead of talking about my own story, I’m going to share stories from other people that I found really interesting and inspiring.

For this article, I picked a post from Reddit.

It’s about someone who made their own little newsletter and today generates about $4000 a month.

In case you’re wondering what newsletter it is? 👉 LazyFPL

I chose this story because it has some awesome tips that anyone can use, even if you’re not into writing newsletters.

It’s all about having fun with what you love and maybe even making a few dollars along the way.

So, let’s dive in and see what cool things we can learn!

Hello! Can you introduce yourself and tell us about your business?

Hello! I’m the creator behind a niche fantasy football newsletter that has grown from a passion project to a steady income stream, earning $3–4k per month.

