Tevye Penner
3 min readSep 24, 2020

Much to Think About Nothing

What is nothing? Is it anything at all? Is it just an idea? Could it actually be some thing? There could be nothing to write about. But there is...something about nothing. There is always something to write about, including "nothing". One may also say (after reading this text) "it's a whole bunch of nothing" which again, IS something.

The definition of nothing per Merriam-Webster is "not any thing", "no thing", or "something that does not exist". But, is this definition really true? It is, only to a certain extent. Let me explain.

Nothing ALWAYS means something and never means nothing. The expression "nothing means nothing" is not true and contradicts itself, even though we often say it. Nothing is a concept, an idea - therefore it IS something.

Nothing is a word - it can be written, explained. Nothing is a sound if it's spoken, sung. Nothing is a set of letters. Nothing can be formed in 1,000+ different ways because the word nothing exists in many different languages.

Nothing is loaded with meaning. Nothing IS interesting; NOTHING is interesting or nothing is INTERESTING! One expression, multiple meanings involving the word nothing. But it's still nothing compared to some of the examples listed below.

One day my son came home from school and I asked him "so what did you learn today?" He replied - nothing! Or so he thinks...

In a heated argument, for example, when my wife and I were arguing (this was a long time ago, we now only have discussions) I remember getting upset and yelling "there's NOTHING to talk about!" Although she wanted to continue arguing, I wanted to say nothing, but in reality I had a ton of frustration to unload.

On some occasions our kids open refrigerator FULL of food and exclaim "there is NOTHING to eat!" Meaning they are not hungry! They're bored or looking for something just to entertain their taste buds!

"Nothing special" is another example of how nothing is used. I've been to Cancun, Mexico and I see nothing special about that place. But to people who grew up there or admire Cancun my declaration may seem wrong, even offensive.

In high school I broke my arm while playing floor hockey. Enduring severe pain, I tried to look tough and used body language to say "oh, it's NOTHING" in front of other players and my sweating (probably from worry) coach.

How many times have you called a friend to ask how they are doing? And most likely, their answer was simply "Good". When you asked them What they are doing, they'd say "Nothing". They were, at least, doing something like breathing, talking, thinking you'd suggest a fun idea to do something, etc.

To have "nothing in common" between two people means one or the other is not interested in one or the other, or their interests differ drastically. In fact, these two people do have many things in common, at a minimum they're both human, live on the same street, went to same school, and so on.

Have you ever been called or heard someone say "you're nothing", "you're nobody" or "you're good for nothing?" This means the person is worthless or not even a thing. Nothing personal of course, but my friends, never call anyone these names, no matter how upset you may be with that individual.

I have only scratched the surface with the idea of nothing. Can nothing produce something? Or, can something come from nothing? And can something become nothing one day? Apparently, the notion of nothing is important to philosophers, theists and atheists and it often comes up in their debates about origin of life, matter, universe or God creating something from nothing.

Nonetheless, nothing can be further from the truth than thinking that some people will stop at nothing to achieve success, because nothing succeds like success.

Some people just happen to be successful, and there is nothing we can do about it. There is really "nothing new under the sun." So every thing, including nothing under the sun is not new.

In conclusion, according to Amazon, the most highlited passage of any book on the planet is Phillipians 4:6-7. "Be anxious for nothing..." or better translated as “Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.”

— Tevye Penner