Creating a Retro Game Over Behavior



Today we will be going over, how we can create this simple retro game over effect. let's get started.

Game Over Effect:

To get started we need to create two Text Ui elements.

Now inside our UI Manager Class on our canvas. We need to create a few variables.

I’m going to use a coroutine for the blink effect.

Below we have a IEnumerator called BlinkGameObject that takes a few parameters. We also have a for loop that simply turns the text off and on.

We then start the coroutine inside our GameOver method and pass in those variables, we created at the start.

Thats it for the Retro GameOver effect.

Thank you for your time and attention.



Christopher Adams
Christopher Adams

Written by Christopher Adams

Just following my dreams. Here I will document my skills and what I've learned. Hope you enjoy.