How to use Post Processing in Unity

Christopher Adams
2 min readAug 27, 2022


Today we are going over how to use post processing in unity. Let's get started.

Installing Post Processing:

If you haven't already you will need to import post processing from the package manager.

  1. Inside the package manager window make sure you have the unity registry selected.
  2. Type Post inside the search bar to pull up the post processing package.
  3. Click install in the bottom right. (I already have the packaged installed)

Setting Up Post Processing:

To get started we need to create an empty game object and create a new layer called PostProcessing. set the newly created game object on that layer.

Next, we can add a post processing Volume component.

On the post processing Volume component, where it says profile click new to add a new profile and check isGlobal on and set weight to 1.



Christopher Adams

Just following my dreams. Here I will document my skills and what I've learned. Hope you enjoy.