No Dramas? The Drama Triangle Tidies Up The World’s Mess

In The first Of This Series I Ask: Can The Karpman Drama Triangle Explain Brexit?

Ren Thackray-Tinson
6 min readJan 2, 2020
Photo by Habib Ayoade on Unsplash

Life can be unpredictable, human beings are a complicated mess of conscious and unconscious parts that often don’t seem to make sense, and why would they? Most of us don’t even realise that we are internally tangled, let alone how it affects our behaviour and how we interact with one another in exchanges that have become increasingly oppositional.

There is no doubt that destructive interactions have become the norm for humanity in recent years. Scroll down any Facebook post comment section and you’ll find an argument which rapidly descends into two people lobbing words at each other like, ‘c*nt’, ‘snowflake’ and ‘shut up you snowflake ‘c*nt’. A local traffic and travel group comments section can soon turn into a sweary idiot-fest just because Trev105 thought Andrea82 lacked a sense of humour. You’ve only got to look at some of Trump’s classic tweets to see an example of someone who is forever in conflict with anyone or any country who dares to disagree with…



Ren Thackray-Tinson

Film and literature criticism graduate. I have a background in Mental Health Studies. Observations and opinions about society, the media and mental health.