How to Mine: EPIC

How to mine on Icemining Pool
3 min readSep 7, 2019

Brought to you by — the cool pool Specifications:

  • DPPLNS for maximum reward, and immune to pool hopping
  • 2hr payments, customizable by request(Manual on EPIC)
  • Active development, friendly and engaging community with many experts
  • Block maturity for EPIC: 1440 blocks

EPIC Specifications:

  • Released: Mainnet launch on September 3, 2019
  • Algorithm: RandomX, ProgPow and Cuckoo
  • Block time: 1 minute
  • Block reward: 14.58
  • Total supply:122,000(at time of this publication) 21,000,000,000 max

To mine EPIC, you’ll need:

  • Any computer with a modern cpu or gpu
  • A wallet to receive your funds

Windows Instructions for pool mining:

1 Download latest miner at

2 Extract on your desktop

CPU RandomX:

Open epic-miner.toml and edit the stratum ip at line 46 to

Remove the # at the beginning of both lines starting with stratum (49 and 52)

Choose a UNIQUE login and password, these will be needed to withdraw your coins.

Once you set your password once, it cannot be changed. This is to prevent someone from changing your password and withdrawing your funds.

Run epic-miner.exe

GPU ProgPow:

Open epic-miner.toml from the opencl, line 40 change RandomX for ProgPow

Remove the # at the beginning of both lines starting with stratum (49 and 52)

Choose a UNIQUE login and password, these will be needed to withdraw your coins.

Once you set your password once, it cannot be changed. This is to prevent someone from changing your password and withdrawing your funds.

Run epic-miner.exe


Line 80, copy those lines one time for each GPU, and increment their device number

device = 0
driver = 2
device = 1
driver = 2
device = 2
driver = 2
device = 3
driver = 2

Run epic-miner.exe

Pool balance:

To see balance head over to and type your username in the wallet field
or visit

Connect with us:

EPIC Useful Links:

