Intro to That Kind of Nerd

1 min readMay 7, 2018


We now have over 200 Episodes! Jumping into a podcast with that large of a back catalog can be intimidating. So we’re here to help out. Below are our picks for “Intro to That Kind of Nerd.” Handpicked by you the fans and your humble hosts. Now you can get to know CJ, Brian and Josh, hear some of the inside jokes and all the hilariousness that comes with our show.

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My Nerdy Life: Get to know the guys and how they came to know they were “nerds”
Sometimes We Go Lowbrow: This “RedTube joke” will never die.
Josh Burns Ruins Everything: Hear Josh shine in this episode.
Welcome to the club… Nerd: We reflect on 100 Episodes and take hear from our fans.
Get to know us better: We answer a fundamental question. Chose 5 Albums and 5 Movies to tell people about yourself.

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Want more? Follow your hosts on Twitter

@CJMellon (CJ )

@Jnubbs572 (Josh )

@bathornton160 (Brian)

@ThatKindofNerd (The Show)

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Call our Podcast line 484–373–4119




Being a "nerd" shouldn't be complicated. Let us break down the nerdy world for you. Check out "That Kind of Nerd" in your favorite Podcast app.